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Anxiety Of College Students And Its Influencing Factors

Posted on:2002-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360032453433Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, it has become a tendency for students to go to college at their own expenses and find jobs independently or through two-way selection. They have been confronted with a new educational system and employment pattern. As a special social group, college students have received more and more attention to their growing anxiety resulting from individual, family and societal factors. Many experts have made wide and deep studies on problems concerning college students in the new situation and have obtained worthy results. However, the research has been mainly restricted to psychological obstruction in general, not relating to any specific aspect. As it is known, many factors contribute to college students anxiety. Since they are a special group, the potential danger of this problem cannot be ignored. Therefore analysis of college students anxiety and its influencing factors has become a worthwhile subject. The present author, employing psychological and sociological research methods, has present author, employing psychological and sociological research methods, has done some research into this subject, based on wide investigation and survey. Topics included in this paper are: characteristics of college students anxiety, analysis of individual, family, societal factors that influence anxiety, and thinking and suggestions on how to guide them to overcome anxiety. To study the above-mentioned topics, the present author, basing his research on an analysis of data in this field from both abroad and at home, employs random sampling method, producing 400 individual survey cases in a college and sending out correspondingly questionnaires, whose rate of recovery is 92%. The present author inputs the data after sorting out the questionnaires. Taking SASS results as dependent variable, the other 14 survey item as independent variables. And processed by SPSS software, the data are mainly interactive categorical statistics, T check and analysis on variance. The result shows that individual, family and societal factors all influence college students anxiety, and therefore the three hypotheses are proved to be true. It also shows that specific factors like the grade a college student is in, his/her parents? occupations and their educational levels, his/her interpersonal relationship, interest in his/her major, and study method have especially apparent impact on the growth of their anxiety. Besides, the factors influencing college students anxiety are dynamic, varying with time, ~ace and subjects. The present author holds that great importance should be attached to this problem. It is necessary to take measures in teaching and management practice to help college students resolve mental trouble and reduce mental pre~ure so as to guide them to overcome anxiety and promote health in both body and mind.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, anxiety, SAS
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