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A Research On The Teaching Tactics Of Applied Mathematics Of The Secondary Vocational School

Posted on:2003-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S HuangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of science and technology, especially information science, the mathematics is used increasing widely. The teaching of mathematical caused the educational circle to pay close attention, In this paper, the author scanned the tendency of teaching reform of applied mathematics in and out of China, analyzed the present situation of mathematical teaching of the secondary vocational school, and then bring forwarded that the secondary vocational school should pay great attention to the necessity and importance of the teaching of mathematical application. In the end, that the emphases of this paper were corresponsive given teaching tactics.In the paper, the research of teaching tactics of the mathematical contains two parts: the theorized research and experimental research.In the theorized research, firstly, the author emphasizes the improvement of educational concept of math. According to the new concept, the teachers should get rid of the old idea -- the main teaching aim is to pass on knowledge and technology and to foster "three major abilities", and teachers should define the new teaching aim -- to foster the new mathematical concept, consciousness of mathematical application and wide abilities in math; The conception should to erect in which students are foundation emphasizes students' position of main body in their studies. Teachers should have the modern teaching concept: intercommunicating in mathematical, guess, discovery and creation, use with the computers and calculators, to give service to specialties; Teacher should foster " the realistic concept of math" that math originates from reality, takes root in reality, is applied to reality andteachers think over the actual condition of each student. Secondly, the author discussed the importance of mathematical application in three parts: the influence of the mathematical application on the beginning of thought process, the influence of the man on evaluating mathematical importance and the influence of social mathematical acceptability. Finally, the author proved the tactics in theory and explained how to use the advices. The teaching tactic contains five parts: tactics of re-creation, tactics of connection between cognition and emotion, tactics of teaching practice class, tactics of joint studies and tactics of teaching mathematical application.In the experimental research, the author carried out the experiment on experimental class and controlled class. The experimental class was experimented with the way of changing the teaching instruct, increasing the course of practice, increasing the mathematical content and strengthening the connection between math and specialty . In the experiment, the thought of mathematical application guided the process to the end. After a term, the author drew a preliminary conclusion: strengthening experimental teaching of mathematical application, teachers can make students get higher marks, foster the interest of math, arouse the in motive of math and improve the ability in solving applied problems, In addition, according to the experiment, the author gives some advice on mathematical teaching in vocational school.
Keywords/Search Tags:mathematical application, teaching tactics, mathematical model, realistic math, re-creation
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