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The Status Quo And Achievement Approach Of Peasants' Modernity

Posted on:2004-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F ChenFull Text:PDF
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Individual modernization is important content of social modernization. Since reforming and open policy was carried out, social modernization, which mainly included economic modernization, has been deepening. But the process of individual modernization has followed behind that of social modernization. Especially for the peasants, who occupies the most part of Chinese population, the extent of individual modernization is very low, which is a big obstacle to the peasants' self-developing capacity. To some extent, the most serious problem in Chinese transforming and modernization is the modernization of Chinese rural society and Chinese peasants. Making a big effort to promote the modernity of peasants will bring more prosperity to rural economy and social development, which also speed up the process of building a well-off society in an all round way.Basing on the characteristics of Chinese society's transforming, the individual modernization of Chinese peasants is truly the socialization of peasants under the background of the whole social modernization. Judging from this point, the present modernity of peasants is determined by the extent of accepting the main culture during the process of social modernization.From the angle of the individual socialization, I adopt literature search, questionnaire survey, interview and other society search methods to attain material. Beginning with what is closest to peasants' life, I researched the modernity of peasants in Beijing, which mainly includes environmental awareness, career awareness, bearing awareness, time and planning awareness, participatory awareness and progress awareness. As a result, it was found that the modernity of the peasants in Beijing is fairly clear and that education, mass media, the experience of flowing and staying in city are effective factors to promote the modernity of peasants. But because the rural education level is low and there lies sensor of registration system and other obstacles, the achievement approach of modernity is prevented. With the deep propel of rural urbanization, the process of peasants' modernization will become more fast.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peasants, Modernity, Achievement approach
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