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The Research In Several Issues Of Democratic Management Of Classes

Posted on:2003-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M WangFull Text:PDF
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The issue of democratic education is one of the eternal subjects discussed in the educational field and democratic management of classes is the heated issue in the reform of class management. In my teaching experience as a class teacher, there have existed many perplexities of democratic management of classes both in theory and in the practice that urge me to make some initial researches into the issues in democratic management of classes. My research thought is based on case study, therefore I have used research methods such as ethnography study, interview, experience summary and literature study without discarding quantification research. I have mainly conducted researches on several democratic issues concerning the system of class teachers, system of class cadres . In my opinion, cancelling " class teachers " has more advantages than disadvantages. At least, it is a reform on traditional work of class teachers. Democratic electoral system of class cadres should be adopted. The cadres " can " rather than " should "take turns to perform their duties. Class committee should be seperated from pioneer group committee without adopting the unified model of Ban Dui's integration system. Commenting the most excellent system has a stimulating and educational effect on students. The key is to improve the selecting system of "three-good" student. What we should focus on is not to select the " three-good " students, but to design one set of scientific quantification standard of " three-good ".Some democratic rules that suit the market economy can be tested and explored to be used in class management, but we should be cautious about the popularization of these rules. Rash punishment is strongly opposed and corporal punishment or convert corporal punishment is more opposed. However, I do not advocate stoppingpunishment, but using other methods to solve similar problems. Marks are the right of students' privacy. The school can not illegally search students' hostel , and the problems concerning with hostel should be solved by means of democratic method. Through the research work in the above issues, I believe that democratic management of classes is ideal and practical as well. Democratic management of classes is not only our purpose but also our tactic. The today's model of democratic management of classes chiefly has 3 kinds : traditional model, and system model and zero model.
Keywords/Search Tags:democratic management of classes, issue, research, case
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