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Construction Of Cooperation-and-interaction Reading Educational Model

Posted on:2004-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cooperation-and-interaction reading education is a new teaching model accompanied with the demand of curriculum reform in elementary education. This paper first gives a definition of cooperation-and-interation reading education, describing the necessity of carrying it out . Linked to practice of middle school educational reform , the paper also states directorial thought ,educational goal and teaching strategy and principle of cooperation-and-interaction reading education , and appoves its feasibility through teaching practice.This teaching model lays stress on improvement of the students' learning methods ,on cultivation of their consciousness of cooperative studies , and on fosterage of their good reading habit , and promotion of their education for all-around development . Meanwhile ,it lays a foundation of the students' self-education and lifetime education.
Keywords/Search Tags:teaching model, reading education, consciousness of asking questions, cooperation, interaction
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