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A Study Of Children's Emotional Regulation Ability Training In Chinese Teaching In Elementary School

Posted on:2006-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360155455575Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Emotional regulation is the main component of individual characteristic in the structure of student Mental Quality and one of the most essential characteristics of mental healthy. With the development of cognitive and social cognitive ability, the elementary school students are on the key stage of emotional regulation development. Owing to the inertial continuing of the thinking way under the traditional examination education systems, too much emphasis is still put on children's cognitive ability development and little attention is paid on children's emotional development and its importance to their whole life, which led to the fact that the level of children's emotional regulation in our nation is relatively lower and that the emotional obsession and mental problems are getting more and more serious. Emotion dysregulation or difficulties in emotion regulation have become one of the main causes of children's mental problems. The studies in this area have been mainly focused on the interrelationship between emotion, emotion regulation and other psychological or behavior characteristics and there is a lack of research on the deeply theoretically analysis and research on educational intervention.The purpose of this research is to explore the feasibility and validity of training the emotional regulation ability in Chinese teaching in elementary school. Based on the researches at home and abroad and by using reference analysis, inventory investigation, factor analysis and educational experiment methods, we construct the penetration model of emotional regulation training in Chinese teaching in elementary school. To explore therelationship between emotional regulation ability and Mental Quality, between emotional regulation ability and study accomplishment, we discussed the feasibility and validity of the emotional regulation ability through subject penetration from an experimental respective. This research can be divided into the following four parts: first, revising the emotional regulation difficulty inventory for elementary school students; second, researching the characteristic of the elementary school students' difficulties in emotion regulation; third, exploring theoretically the cultivation of emotional regulation ability through subject penetration; fourth, conducting an experimental research on training emotional regulation ability by Chinese subject penetration teaching. The main conclusion was as follows:1. This study proved that the structure of difficulties in emotion regulation in elementary school student is comprised of 6 factors: Difficulties Engaging in Goal-Directed Behavior; Impulse Control Difficulties; Lack of Empathy; Lack of Emotional Awareness; Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies; Lack of Emotional Clarity.2. The inventory revised in this research has been to be of fine reliability and validity and can be used as an effective tool to measure the elementary school students' difficulties in emotion regulation.3. In general, the emotional regulation abilities of Chinese elementary school students are in a relatively low level.4. There is a significant gender difference in the difficulties in emotion regulation, as boys have a significantly higher difficulty levels than the girls.5. On the whole, there is a significant difference in the difficulties in emotion regulation between city pupils and country pupils, with the country pupils having a significant higher difficult level.6. On the whole, there is a significant difference in the difficulties in emotion regulation between students in point and ordinary elementary schools, with pupils in ordinary schools having a significant higher difficult level.7. There is a significant grade difference in difficulties in emotion regulation level, the higher the grade, the lower the difficult level.8. Through training emotional regulation abilities by using penetration in Chinese...
Keywords/Search Tags:emotional regulation ability, children, Chinese teaching, Mental Quality, accomplishment
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