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A Correlation Research Between Grandparenting Style And The Ability Of Emotional Regulation Of Pre-School Left-Behind Children

Posted on:2018-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y KuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330536473065Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China,with the transformation of social development and the changes in family structure,tens of thousands of parents leave their hometown to peruse a job.As a result,lots of children live without their parents,and the number of these children is also increasing.Due to the lack of stable parent-child interaction,left-behind children’s psychological problem,especially emotional problem is becoming prominent day by day.Influenced by traditional culture and aging society,the number of grandparents who raise their grandchildren increasing rapidly in recent year,over 50% left-behind children are living with their grandparents.From the perspective of grandparents,who are the surrogate parents of left-behind children,this research aims at exploring the characteristics of grandparenting style and the relationship with children’s emotional regulation ability,hoping to provide some reference for inter-generational education.This research used the questionnaire investigated 211 grandparents of left-behind children in Sichuan and Chongqing,editing grandparent-rearing pattern questionnaire and Emotional Regulation Questionnaire.Using SPSS17.0 to analyze the data.The main results of this research are:“The Grandparenting Style Questionnaire” contains 17 items 3 factors: bring up carefully,bring upconcisely,and bring up supportively.By inspecting the internal consistency of the questionnaire,the internal reliability,internal consistency validity,structural validity and other indicators,it has been improved that this questionnaire has a good reliability and validity.Therefore,“The Grandparenting Style Questionnaire” can be applied certainly in China for investigating left-behind children situation.According to the three factors,there are four grandparenting styles: average type,neglect type,emotional warmth type,and intervention type.Average type grandparents are the most;intervention type grandparents are the least.The overall level of granparenting for preschool left-behind children is in the medium above the critical level.Among the three factors,bring up carefully get the highest score,bring up concisely lowest.There is no significant difference of grandparenting style in household registration,age,health condition,and rearing grandchildren alone.The scores of male grandparents are higher than female grandparents in bring up concisely.And the scores of grandparents of junior high school degree is higher significantly than the grandparents of primary school education in two factors – bring up carefully and bring up concisely.The overall level of emotional regulation ability of preschool left-behind children is in the medium above the critical level.Between the two factors of emotional regulation ability,emotional regulation gets the higher scores than emotional liability.The ability of emotional regulation of preschool left-behind children is developing with the age increasing;the middle and top class children’ emotion regulation ability is significantly higher than the bottom class children.There are significant differences in the ability of emotional regulation between the pre-school children of different grandparenting style,emotional warmth type is the highest,and the neglect type is the lowest.Bring up carefully,bring up supportively and bring up concisely have significant relation with the ability of emotional regulation.Bring up carefully,bring up supportively and bring up concisely have significant relation with the emotional instability.Bring up carefully,bring up supportively have significant relation with the emotional regulation.The grandparenting style has impact on emotional regulation ability of left-behind children.Bring up carefully,bring up supportively and bring up concisely have significant prediction ability to the emotional liability.Bring up carefully,bring up supportively have signification prediction ability to the emotional regulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:pre-school children, left-behind children, grandparenting style, emotional regulation, alternate-generation education
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