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Comparative Research Into The Graduate Enrollment And Examination System

Posted on:2006-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360155956713Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Following the development of the society and the need of high-degree people in the intellectual economy era, graduate education is more and more cared by people.As the graduate education of America is developing for more than cne century,its graduate enrollment system forms special system.However,the history of graduate education of China is comparative short and its enrollment system is reforming and making perfect.This article expouds the developing history of graduate education of China and America maily from the enrollment system.From the developing course of two countries , we can see that the graduate enrollment and examination system is from nil to exist,from not perfect to perfect.The graduate education of America is even developing ,its'graduate enrollment and examination system is gradually perfected;the graduate education of China is more tortuous,its' enrollment and examination system is also tortuous.Based on this,the article compares the present graduate enrollment system of the two countries with the plan management of enrollment system ,the application system , the examination system and the admission system ,reflecting the difference between theirs.On the plan ofenrollment ,America regulates on market neeed,China regulates on plan instruction;On the application system,America is more flexible than China;on the adminstrator who in charge of enrollment and examination,America is professional that more professionals take part in the graduate enrollment and governing,China is administrative. that administrators at all levels are responsible for leading,organizing,formulating criterion,and so on;on the content of the examination,America stresses forming and giving free rein to ability,China emphasizes mastering and applying knowledge;on the admission standard,America lays stress on overall measuring,China attaches importance to the examination report;on the prospective enrollment people,America underlines enrolling people everywhere in the world,China stresses enrolling people of China and trains talent for herself.There are reasons about the graduate enrollment and examination systems of two countries existing many differences.The article analyse from different structures and assessment systems.After comparing and analyzing,we can see that the graduate enrollment and examination system of America is more superior than the system of China and China can use the experience .In the end of the article puts forward some reform tentative idea about graduate enrollment and examination system of China in order to make the system of China more...
Keywords/Search Tags:graduate, the enrollment and examination system, reform
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