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Autonomous English Learning In Classroom Teaching Guided By A Teacher In Secondary Education

Posted on:2007-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W X WangFull Text:PDF
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Autonomous learning is a kind of capacity that learner himself can manage to learn. This kind of ability is not born, but it can be acquired in natural ways and through systematic training. At present, the focus of classroom teaching shifts from "how to obtain knowledge" to "how to cultivate ability" , and from "how to teach" to "how to learn" , with increasing emphasis on students' autonomous learning. On investigation, the author finds that students in vocational schools do not have a clear consciousness of autonomy in English learning. They lack the motivation for autonomous learning. For lack of methods, they tend to passively rely on their teachers for help. So how to develop autonomous learning in the context of vocational schools is very urgent. Guided by the theories of linguistics, cognitive psychology, humanistic psychology and affective teaching, this article attempts to advance the model: autonomous learning of English with teachers' guidance in vocational schools. This model requires that teachers should provide more time and more space for classroom activities, and that they should endeavor to guide their students to learn autonomously. The model includes the following basic points:...
Keywords/Search Tags:autonomous learning, experiment, model for practice
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