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The Development Of Individual Moral Rationality In The Multiple-value Society

Posted on:2008-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360215971792Subject:Principles of Education
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With the strengthening of globalization, the arrival of informative society, the development of the reforming and opening up to the outside world, various cultures and values trends of thought storm into china, the traditional Chinese culture and values have experienced huge challenge and transformation. The conflicts between tradition and modernity backwardness and advance, China and the West, and the old and the new occur everywhere, and value diversity has become a reality. The entrance and coexistence of multiple cultures and value have represented a society that is more tolerant, more democratic, and more open, and which plays a certain positive role in the economic development and renovation in people's thinking. However, on the other hand, the conflict and the collision among those cultures and values have also brought confusions to individuals. The biggest problem that an individual face is how to make what choice about the multiple cultures and values that can come up with the moral standard in such a society where the morality and values have lost their traditional standard. The solution to this problem depends on the development of individual's moral rationality. Therefore, it draws an intensive attention from schools to molding the individuals morality, and to train students'ability to criticize and valuate moral problems and finally to fostering individuals'autonomy, self-control as well as the concern to his life in an ethic sense. This kind of moral rationality education which emphasizes the spirit of exploration and criticism will possibly help individuals get out of the moral confusion. Thus it is a very important and realistic to raise the effectiveness of school moral education at present.The first part raises the question– why it is necessary to carry out the moral education in the multiple-value society. First, this part introduces the background of the multiple-value society in our country, and proposes that people need an inner spirit for"good"while focusing on the embarrassment people experience in choosing their own moral values. Afterwards, it elaborates on the general meaning and characteristics of moral rationality. In the end, the paper states the reason why individual needs moral rationality according to the important influence of moral rationality on individual's life. In a word, this part discusses the important role moral rationality plays in people's life. The moral rationality indicates value rationality that human beings look forward to when seeking human life values, and it is also the self-consciousness of human being in the pursuit of life meaning. Therefore, it self is a developing course without limitIn the second part, the thesis declares the core meaning of individual moral rationality under the multiple-value background in our country. By making a survey of the historical and social background, the thesis points out that our traditional culture gives emphasis to collect awareness which results in a way of thinking that individual habits go in accordance with the collective awareness. With the existence of various cultural value ideas and the aggravation of collision, it is more obvious that the individual is lack of a sense of independence. The reality of diversified values asks for individual to scan themselves and various cultural values in a spirit of criticism and exploration to distinguish the standard of"correct life". Secondly, the thesis provides the theoretical basis to morality rationality in terms of philosophy and psychology demonstrating that exploration is the key motive to develop human morality, and it is a necessity for the development of individual moral rationality. Then it takes exploration as the core meaning of moral rationality from 3 aspects—the connotation, exploration content and ways of exploration. In the end, it summaries the basic features that an individual with a sense of exploration should have—autonomy, exceeding and retrospecting.The third part raises the important task of school moral education, that is, to cultivate the moral rationality with exploration as the core concept. It examines the current conditions of moral education in China based on the discussion of whether moral rationality can be taught, and points out the problems that exist in developing students'exploration ability and moral rationality. First of all, the utilitarian purpose of education dispels individual's faith in pursuing the happy life; second, the old cramming of moral education has deprived the individual of their independent choice; third, the uncertainty of teachers'role barriers individual's growth of spirit exploration. With regard to the problem as how the school education raises the individual's spirit of exploration, the thesis makes a tentative analysis from the following aspects setting up a new concept of moral education, innovating the content of moral education, transforming teacher's role, establishing a new relationship between teacher and student relations and innovating the evaluation to moral education.
Keywords/Search Tags:multiple value, school moral education, moral rationality, exploration
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