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Research On The Utilization Of Educational Resources In Tibetan School-age Demographic Transition

Posted on:2008-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A L LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tibet is in the process of rapid demographic transition from the traditional style to the contemporary one, which shows Tibet has different traits from other provinces. Moreover, the school-age demographic transition inevitably affects the arrangement of the educational resources in Tibet Autonomous Region in the next 25 years.Based on the statistical analysis on educational investment and output in Tibet, the author finds that the utility of educational resources is unreasonable and low-efficiency, and hence this essay makes more research on improving the educational resources reasonably in Tibet. Firstly, on the basis of the school-age demographic condition, the author analyzes the current situation and its fundamental reasons with several key indexes compared with the average national level. Then it discusses the proper ways of making use of educational resources according to the school-age demographic transition. In order to improve the efficiency of educational resources in Tibet, the educational resources should be re-adjusted in the future to reach the average national level. In the end, it gives some corresponding suggestions.The thesis is divided into four chapters:Chapter One: The theme of this study. It mainly includes the propositions of the questions, the theoretical foundation, and the relative definition of concepts, the analytical frame and the hypothesis of the research. Chapter two: The Tibetan school-age demographic transition. Based on the data from the 4thand 5th Census, this paper forecasts the size and structure of population in Tibet Autonomous Region in the next 25 years. Then, the Tibetan school-age demographic transition is thoroughly analyzed.Chapter three: The utility of the educational resources in the school-age demographic transition. It mainly discusses the effects on the allocation of financial resources, human resources and educational efficiency in the future.Chapter four: Conclusion and suggestion. Two conclusions are drawn and relative recommendations are put forward. At last, it points out the inadequacy of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:School-age demographic transition, The utilization efficiency of educational resources, Average person's school life expectancy
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