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A Research On The Aesthetic Values Of Aerobics

Posted on:2009-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F XiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360245460761Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the developments of high-technology and material civilization, the balance of the human civilization loses its nature, and the human beings, in returns, get the vanity, loneliness, confusion of sprits, even loss of their feelings. Therefore, people urgently need a satisfaction of spirits and feelings, which can embody their values in life and pursue their higher spirits. Aerobics, a sport, covering various senses of beauty, caters to the people's needs of feelings and aesthetics. Absolutely, a research on the aesthetics values of aerobics has its real meanings. According to selected works, the writer have learned that the research is staying at the initial stage, which is only concerned with the joys of aerobics, being lacked of deep researches on spirits cultivation and aesthetics values of aerobics. As for the connections between beauties of aerobics and economy, society; how to obtain the functions of aesthetic education for promoting spiritual civilizations in modern society, are the key projects about the research on aesthetics values of aerobics.The research, on the basis of philosophy, aesthetics, psychology, economics, sociology, sports aesthetics and aerobics etc, has been deeply and systematically explored aesthetics values of aerobics resorting to various researching methods, such as: the literary reviewing, the interviewing experts and the logical analysis. And here are some conclusions as below:(1)The beauties of aerobics originate from the power of gymnastics, the feeling of music and dynamic poses of dancing, which are composed of the unique beauty of aerobics.(2)The essential beauties of aerobics show the power of the people in this special field. And the people are aware of their wisdom and power from their object; meanwhile, they achieve their self-acknowledge and their approved reality to spread out a vigorous, relaxed, relived sensation. (3)Aesthetics values of aerobics mean its aesthetics characteristics influential in the participants at aerobics. The aerobics, only through the specific aesthetic relationship, demonstrates its values and satisfies the needs of subject.(4)The aesthetic characteristics of aerobics contain its form beauty, body beauty, and connotation beauty. And each beauty is concerned with at least four factors. For example, the form beauty includes four more structure factors and structure principles.(5)The aesthetics experience of aerobics comes from the people's practice in the activity. The experience covers psychology experience and body experience, which are both in a movable and evolutional process.(6)Now the aesthetic attitude of aerobics exits the deviation. Most people, neglecting their heart world inside, only care about their body performances and enjoy the joys of aerobics.(7)The aesthetic values of aerobics enormously influence on the individual, economy and the society. Furthermore, the values can accelerate the harmonious development between the individual and the society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aerobics, Aesthetic values, Aesthetics experience, Aesthetic attitude, Aesthetic education
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