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The Study On The Relationship Between Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction And Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among The Teachers' Of Elementary School

Posted on:2009-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360272463393Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The quality of foundation education relates with the elementary teachers' work quality directly. The main purpose of this study is to find the characteristic of organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior among a sample of elementary teachers by means of questionnaire, as well as the relationship between them. We hope to find some educational regulations and provide theoretical basis for improving elementary teachers' performance.Based on the literature analysis and following the principles of combining quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, the writer used interview, questionnaire and more types of statistic analysis methods, examined elementary teachers' organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior and explores the relation between them.The conclusions were drawn as following:1. Elementary teachers' organizational commitment was composed of four factors: affective and ideality commitment, normative commitment, economy commitment and opportunity commitment.2. There were significant differences of elementary teachers' organizational commitment among education level, rank and duty. There were significant differences of elementary teachers' job satisfaction among gender, age, education level and duty. There were significant differences of elementary teachers' organizational citizenship behavior among age, education level and rank. 3. Elementary teachers' organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior were positively related.4. After conducting regression analysis, we found that elementary teachers' normative commitment and opportunity commitment could predict organizational citizenship behavior; colleague satisfaction, leader satisfaction and promotion system satisfaction could predict organizational citizenship behavior; promotion system satisfaction, laborage satisfaction, leader satisfaction and job satisfaction could predict organizational commitment.5. After conducting regression analysis, we found that elementary teachers' organizational commitment and job satisfaction could predict organizational citizenship behavior; job satisfaction could predict organizational citizenship behavior with organizational commitment as mediate variable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elementary teacher, Organizational commitment, Job satisfaction, Organizational citizenship behavior
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