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A Research On Using Instructional Design For Learning-Platform-Based Information Science And Technology Course In High School

Posted on:2010-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360275493357Subject:Disciplinary education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's era of information technology, it becomes inevitable that a person who do not understand information technology and without information literacy would behind the times. Thus so many countries including China attach great importance on the preparation of information technology capability and information literacy for their citizens. However, such preparation must start from an early age, therefore, the preparation of school students will of particular importance. In china, such preparation is achieved mainly through the creation of information technology course, and as a consequence, there is a need for a study of the course. While as a result of factors such as regional differences, primary and junior secondary school information technology course have great differences between one and another, high school are relatively uniform, so it is more meaningful to discuss information technology course in current high school. "Algorithm and program design" module is one of the important modules of this course, and has a significant role in exercising the mentality of students, improving their problem-solving skills, and enhancing the information literacy of students. Curriculum standards of both national and Shanghai have included this module. However, in many high schools including my experimental school, there still some confusion about the instruction on this module, if their highest goal is rather than through academic examination, and therefore it is in urgent need of better ways to improve.This study attempted to use systematic instructional design theories and models, and explore instructional methods to improve the instruction on algorithm and program design to meet the new requirements of the curriculum standards and play the value. Moreover, as the information technology course is named information sciences and technology course, and it has to be implemented on a process evaluation platform, the design of this study is based on this platform.This study is based on the experimental school, and aimed to explore instructional methods to improve the instruction on algorithm and program design, with systematic instructional design theories and models as its main idea. Methods such as literature research, classroom observation, questionnaires, interviews, laboratory have been used during the course of research. Meanwhile, this thesis also cited the cases from other teachers, which conform to my analysis and success. After the reflection on my experiment and other teachers' cases, I make some recommends of the improvement.This thesis is composed of 6 parts:Introduction introduces the background, main problems, meanings, methods and framework of this research, and define some concepts;Chapter 1 assesses the needs of implement new instructional design on algorithm and program design module;Chapter 2 analysis the learner, learning environment, learning task, instructional objectives and evaluation forms of this module in general and in experimental class in particular;Chapter 3, based on the analysis of chapter 2, provides some organizational strategies, delivery strategies, and management strategies;Chapter 4 presents the case of experiment class and some other successful cases from other teachers;Chapter 5 includes conclusions, suggestions, and prospects on the theme.
Keywords/Search Tags:Instructional Design, algorithm and program design, information science and technology course, information literacy, learning platform
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