The development of gender role is an important task of individual socialization. A large number of studies have shown that the androgynous model is most suitable for the development of gender role models, the androgynous individuals of a higher level of mental health, better social adjustment. In order to understand the middle school teachers, parents and students'expectation of the development of gender roles, we conduct a questionnaire survey to 2086 middle school students, 1591 middle school parents and 99 middle school teachers.The results showed that: (1)During middle school, to their own expectations of gender roles, girls tend to be androgynous and boys tend to be masculine. Boys expect to exceed girls in the following characteristics: a sense of humor, liking sports, creative, bold, chivalrous heart, active, perseverance, thrift, gentle, meticulous; girls expect to exceed boys in the following characteristics: happy, optimistic,kind-hearted, cheerful, self-reliance, neat, outgoing, accommodating, cautious, preserve one's moral integrity, pure, gentle, docile, soft, tenderness, quiet, ladylike. (2)During middle school, the gender role expectations of boys'parents to their boys tend to be masculine, and girls'parents tend to be androgynous. Boys'parents expect their sons to exceed girls in the following characteristics: the sense of humor, liking sports, bold, dauntless, chivalrous heart, rough, active, imaginative, gentle; girls'parents expect their girls to exceed boys in the following characteristics: happy, kind-hearted, optimistic, independent, cheerful, neat, polite,cautious, preserve one's moral integrity, pure, gentle, docile, soft, quiet, ladylike. (3)Teachers'expectation to boy students tend to be masculine and to girl students, androgynous. Teachers expect boy students to exceed girls in the following characteristics: happy, sense of humor, self-reliance, creative, liking sports, accommodating, neat, bold,wide heart, perseverance, initiative, unrestrained, chivalrous heart, rough, outward-looking, straightforward; teachers expect girl students to exceed boys in the following characteristics:virtuous, neat, preserve one's moral integrity, gentle, polite, innocent, subtle,cautious, dutiful, heartthrob, soft, tenderness, docile, quiet, ladylike. |