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Theoretical And Practical Research On Ecological Instruction In The Physics Classroom Teaching Of Middle School

Posted on:2011-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A J GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308465363Subject:Physical curriculum and teaching theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research based on ecologically instructional theory is about physics classroom instruction of middle school. Classroom ecological instruction of middle school physics refers that physics teacher organizes all kinds of external and internal factors in physics instructional system, develops and utilizes all kinds of resources, creates authentic meaningful context for learners, organizes all kinds activities which can be used to promote learner's subjectivity, uniqueness and sociality. This kind of open physical teaching contexts can make students communicate with other members, physical and social environment, and make learners effectively reach their physics learning goals.The classroom physics instruction is perceived as an ecological learning system in this research. The researcher reflects the whole process with viewpoints in ecological pedagogy, systematically and holistically analyzed classroom physics instruction of middle school, reveals the nature of middle school physics instruction, and characteristics. And by using the principles and methods of ecology instructional theory, it analyses classroom teaching of middle school, creates harmonious classroom teaching environment and manifests the ecological features of physics classroom. Thus, it makes physics classroom teaching of middle school more favorable to students' active development and makes teaching and learning more harmoniou.The theory of mutual and balanced survival, tolerance law, the fittest theory, restrict factor law and niche theory are used to analyze physics classroom instruction and interpret instructional process.From analyzing instructional goals and instructional resources, and instructional content, the research designs instructional process according to real physics classroom context with the ecologically instructional theory. Based on the teaching cases, it tries to constructp ractical made of ecologicalized physics classroom teaching of middle school .It points out that in the course of the implement of ecologicalized teaching: we should value the humanity of teaching and create harmonious and developing learning community of physics classroom; we should value the dynamic growth of knowledge and ability and create dynamic physics classroom teaching process; we should value the individual's and create plural physics classroom teaching aims and methods; we should value the plurality, the development and the process of evaluation and create equal and encouraging evaluation mode of physics classroom learning of middle school.Finally, it points out the disadvantages and prospects of theoretical and practical research on ecological instruction in the physics classroom teaching of middle school.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecologically instruction, physics classroom instruction, sustainable development, dynamic generation, create
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