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Professional Basketball Club Of Sino-US Comparative Study Of Management System

Posted on:2011-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308990852Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The literature and data, expert interviews, the content of comparative law, a comprehensive analysis of law. Professional Basketball Club of Sino-US management system and operation mechanism to do a more in-depth comparative study, through analysis, combined with China's national conditions, use the advanced American professional basketball experience in the development of China's professional basketball-related countermeasures and suggestions put forward . Promoting China's professional basketball better and faster development.Economic system, the decision management system, management system, decided to run mechanism, so the research of China's professional basketball club, you must first start from the management system, so the main purpose of this study is the market economy laws and laws of development of the dual role of basketball, a study of Sino-US occupation Basketball Club, the differences between the management system, and the NBA, mainly from the United States and China's CBA and other aspects of the management system of a comparative study of the factors leading to differences in the reason why.Through data analysis and found that the management of China's CBA league NBA body mechanisms and management of the League of very different physical mechanism, based on the development of the basic rules of basketball, studies suggest that the Sino-US ties Professional Basketball Club, the largest market economy conditions are developed under the basketball market , and the most fundamental difference between the two country's political system is different, humanistic ideas There is also a great difference. According to the characteristics of professional basketball the market economy status and China's professional basketball, for the new era of Sino-US Professional Basketball Club, a comparative study of the following: Sino-US Professional Basketball Club, set up regulatory agencies compared to U.S. professional basketball club management model comparison, the Professional Basketball Club, the formation of the United States in the form of comparison, the Sino-US Professional Basketball Club, the transfer system, contract system comparison, and the Professional Basketball Club, the Sino-US market operations, reserve forces, etc. for comparison.Professional Basketball Club of Sino-US comparison of the management system and its completion of the study come to the following conclusions are as follows:1. professional sports clubs are professional sports the main forms of organization, American professional basketball, was also carried out during the model to emulate professional baseball, is the capitalist market economy has experienced a hundred years of development, was able to achieve the current NBA basketball career , mercerization, industrialization and socialization. From the organization and management, the team formed, market operations, laws and regulations to protect and back-up team training, has formed a complete system, so the movement is known for its world a model of professional sports. China's professional basketball is in the successful realization of the socialist economic system in the context of professional, market-oriented industrialization forward.2. NBA organization specifically established in accordance with laws of the market, while the CBA organization is a "planned economy" era of government management is the planned economy to a market economy in the process of administrative units. Because China's special conditions, at this stage of China's Professional Basketball Club, investment and cooperation in various forms, resulting in a clear and there is no property rights and unfair distribution of benefits and other issues.Agencies set up on, NBA has a huge tight organizational structure, the highest leadership of the board of directors, to play his part; under my Basketball Administration Center with: Office, Sports Team Management, Competition Department, management and development department, the Ministry of Youth Development 5 middle-level institutions and the national team. At the same time basketball market operators are not managers, managers often have no operating experience, resulting in the operator are not compatible with the basketball market development policies, while the scope of powers and functions of management is too large, so the club and the management, there are many conflicts of interest that influence and restrict the CBA basketball market.3. In the laws and regulations, NBA with a variety of strict laws and regulations, and not on the basis of breach of the law has a special significance, with a clear draft system, transfer system and salary system; China's professional basketball league since the start has been also the corresponding introduced "Chinese Basketball Association club constitution" and "Chinese Basketball Association club management regulations" and so on, in the course of implementation to achieve a certain effect, regulate the development of the market, but with the development of the market, some laws the form is not suitable for the needs of the new period, the market, and therefore have to be perfected.4.In the reserve forces, coaches, referees, the U.S. basketball players in the secondary school and college students the number of far more than China, although China is launching a CUBA, but a late start has not grown in strength, so my back-up basketball players the power is still in a serious shortage. China's Professional Basketball Club, the cultivation of a lack of reserve forces echelon, and accept a later formal training and previous non-systematic training affect development of the movement, but also in the league, the vast majority of the club regarded foreign aid as a trick to use in order to obtain League a good ranking. The gap between coaches and referees of China's outstanding performance in professional technical and scientific knowledge in the training system capability gap, thus requiring our basketball coaches, referees have to constantly improve their own literacy, and constantly learn new theories and technologies, to participate in the international exchange. Line to the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Occupational, Basketball Club, NBA, CBA, management system, operating mechanism
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