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Research On Optimization Of Land Use Structure Based On Grey Linear Programming

Posted on:2012-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335968464Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land is not only the source of human wealth, but also the material basis of human survival. Whether the industry, population and other factors gather together in the process of urbanization, or farmers farm the land,they all need land. With Rapid economic development in China today, the development of Urbanization and industrialization has speeded up,and the population has a fast grow. The destruction of the natural environment and the extensive use of land resources led the problem between people and land become increasingly prominent. But land is non-renewable, the conflict between the unlimited demand for land and limited land area always exist. Reconciling this contradiction is the eternal theme of the field of land use. That is why optimization of land use appears. With the uncertainty of land use increases, land use structure becomes more and more irrational, that means in the same time, regulation for land use in land-use planning is more difficult. How to maximize the efficiency from the limited land resources and develop more scientific and flexible optimization solutions of land use structure, which will promote urban development, land use and sustainable development of human settlements, is the core issues of land-use study.In this paper, the research gives an introduction of review at home and abroad and summarizes the achievements and deficiency by the domestic and foreign scholars in related fields. I select Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province as the study area and obtain the land-use data there from 2006 to 2009 by Site investigation. On the basis of grey linear programming theory, a model of land use structure optimization has been built. By some scientific analysis, the research raised a program of land use structure optimization in Dali Prefecture. In the end of this paper, it gives some suggestions to realize the program. This study not only carried out some exploration and try in the field of land use structure optimization, but also established an empirical study which provided a theoretical basis for sustainable use of land resources in Dali Prefecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:land use structure, optimization of land use structure, grey linear programming, Dali Prefecture
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