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Comparative Studies Of Binhai New Area And Pudong New Area's Industrial Development Mode

Posted on:2009-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242986499Subject:International trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Regional economic growth relies heavily on the driving role of industry,and the key of industrial development lies on the right model choice.After more than 10 years of development and opening-up,the economic development of Tianjin Binhai New Area scored remarkable achievements,at the same times its regional economic development has been incorporated into the "11th Five-Year Plan" in the national development strategies.With the development of internal and external economic environment,how to develop the industry can better accelerate its economic growth has increasingly caused many scholars' concerns.In this paper,the author introduced the concept of industrial development mode,and analyzed the present situation of Binhai's industrial development and the advantages of foundation for the development of industry on the basis of relevant theories,then drew a conclusion that Binhai New Area is now taking the industry-leading and high-tech industries development mode.On this basis,the author compared Binhai's industrial developments with Pudong New Area on the side of contributions and stimulations to the GDP by each industry, as well as the impact of local foreign investment on industrial changes and so on.Through the application of relatively principle,the author proved that the Binhai New Area's industrial development could refer to the success of Pudong's experience,but should not completely copy the Pudong's development mode.At the end of the paper,according to the characteristics and problems of Binhai's industries,the author raised that Binhai should persevere the "second-third-first" industrial development goal,follow the second-leading and high-tech industrial development model,but in the next periods of time,great efforts should be made to readjust the industrial structure,vigorously strengthen the development of the tertiary industry,speed up industrial restructuring process.In the process of writing,the author firstly used all grounded theory research methods and summarized the theory of industrial development mode.Secondly,by use of quantitative analysis method combined with Hoffman index,the author analyzed Binhai New Area industrial stage of development.Thirdly,the author compared Binhai's industrial development with Pudong's,combining with Demonstration Analysis summed up the successful experience of Pudong New Area's industries development,the industrial development of the Binhai New Area characteristics and problems.Lastly,making qualitative analysis,the author proposed the industrial development path and countermeasures for the Binhai New Area.In the paper,the innovation lied in the fact that the first use of evidence,qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis of the Pudong New Area and the Binhai,and the conclusion that the Binhai New District's industry-leading and high-tech development model.Secondly, the author made use of Hoffman index in the secondary industry analysis of Binhai New Area, concluded the Binhai's industrial index Hoffman,and proved the evidence that the Binhai New Area has achieved advanced industrial stage.Thirdly,aiming at Binhai New Area's industrial development characteristics and its problems,the author gave the reasonable path options and responses,and put forward its economic and reasonable industrial layout.
Keywords/Search Tags:Binhai New Area, Pudong New Area, industry, development mode
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