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Research About The Employment Structure Based On Adjustment Of Industrial Structure Of Jiangsu

Posted on:2009-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272477453Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When a country in its process of modernization, it is inevitably accompanied by huge industrial structure adjustment and the resulting changes in the structure of employment. If the employment structure adapt to the industrial structure, they will promote each other. Jiangsu as one of the most developing regions had a rapid economic development in the past 20 years, its industrial structure and employment structure all changed a lot, but the employment structure lags to the industrial structure ,which hinders not only the further optimization of the industrial structure but also the coordination of the economy and society.The purpose of this paper is to coordinate the industrial structure and the employment structure, to ensure the continued stability economic growth.There are six parts in this paper: The first part is introduction; The second part introduces the related theories of the industrial structure and employment structure, and reveals the interaction between them; The third part analysis the status and relationship of Jiangsu's industrial structure and employment structure, conclude that employment structure lags industrial structure and the third industrial absorbs more labor than the second industry; The fourth part analysis the employment effects of Jiangsu's 42 industries based on the input-output model, the results showed that the employment effects of the third industrial is bigger than that of the second industrial. The fifth part focuses on the reason why the employment structure lags industrial structure; Finally,some supporting stratagems are proposed to adjust the employment structure and coordinate industrial structure and employment structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrial structure, employment structure, employment effect, elasticity of employment, input-output
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