AnewtradingobstaclenamedGreenTradeBarrierhasbeenbornbecauseoftheemphasisonenvironmentalprotectionandtradingprotectionism.The trading obstacle, characterized by techniques, shadiness, flexibilities anddisputes, refers to some countries' restricting the foreign commodities from enteringthe domestic market on the ground of environmental conservation and food safetyissuesbyestablishingaseriesofrigidenvironmentalprotectionstandardsandforcefultechnicalrules.SinceChinaenteredWorldTradeOrganization,greentradebarrierhasstifledtheexportation of HeBei's agricultural produce many times. The main countries thatbrought green trade barrier into effect to HeBei 's farm produce are Japan, Americaand European Union.In terms of the characters of the exported farm produce, Beentrade barrier has seriously affected the exportation of the agricultural productsespecially vegetables of horticultural products, grain,fruit, aquatic products andlivestockproducts, whichenjoycomparative advantage.Soit is imperativetofindthebest way to break through the green trade barrier by analyzing the reasons why ourfarm produce are exposed to it. Quantities of examples and data were used to provethatgreentechnologystandards, greenpackagingsystem andgreenquarantinesystemhave left bad impacts on the exportation of HeBei's farm produce. Asummary of thepackaging material of HeBei 's farm produce was made, followed by an analysis onthe difference between the material and rules of green packaging. In the final part, astudy was conducted on the system of sanitation and quarantine in Japan and EU bymeansofcomparisonandanalysis.Through analyzing, main approaches to break through green trade barrier havebeensetforthasfollows:To perfect the standard system of farm produce's quality, particularly that oflimitedremainingpesticide; toencouragecertificationofagricultural produceso as toimprovetheirquality; to perfect the system of agricultural producetesting; toactivelyparticipateinconstitutinginternational standards; todevelopnewpackagingmaterials;to take advantage of new technologies to improve the traditional packagingmaterials;to borrow useful experience from developed countries to better our system ofsanitationandquarantine. |