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Study On The Project Management Based On OPM3 In Runfeng Company

Posted on:2011-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L G YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305471294Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
OPM3 is a new subject which is proposed in international project management research area in recent years. It is used not only for assessing the level of enterprise project management capability but also for providing methods for continuously improving by benchmarking.This article reviews the development of project management maturity model, briefly introduces several overseas models, then mainly introduces the theory of OPM3. Consisting of three interlocking elements, knowledge, assessment, and improvement, OPM3 is a framework of three interactional parts, best practice, capability, and outcome, which are all included in the domains of portfolio, program, and project.Emphasizing the actuality of the project management of Runfeng Company, synthesizing its current situation and feasibility study of the application, the article determines four steps to apply OPM3. First, assessing current situation, second, planning for improvement, third, implementing improvement, and last, repeating the process. Using the self-assessment questionnaire of OPM3, the article also assesses Runfeng Company's degree of maturity in organizational project management, resulting out a rather low degree. According to the result of self-assessment, the best practices which are currently demonstrated in Runfeng Company are all concentrated upon standardizing process improvement stage of project domain and qualified capability showing of project manager. Taking into account both the theory of OPM3 and the strategy of Runfeng Company, according to the current degree of maturity in organizational project management,35 best practices are eventually proposed, being the improvement focuses, to enhance the degree of the organizational project management of Runfeng Company. Imprpovement schemes are also put forward.The current situation of Chinese enterprise concerned, through the combination methods of fundamental research and empirical study, the main purpose of this article is to utileze the core concepts of OPM3, furthering the capability elements of OPM3 and the application of the mechanism in orientation, localizing OPM3 to meet the needs of the domestic project management practice and enhance their applicability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizational Project Management Maturity Model, Project Management, Capability Element
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