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Analysis Of The Ethical Values ​​of Euthanasia

Posted on:2008-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
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The euthanasia is a way that acceleration death for the verge of death who has been in"incurable illness" condition, this way can cause person's death to be at the peaceful condition.To be special,the euthanasia essence is "be peaceful" not "lethal". Its connotation refers to the condition of death, this kind of condition is comfortable, safely, and carries on the manual regulation ,the death is controlled with the science method with lightly pain and few frightened , patient's death process which causes the irreversible ,change of scene transform death from the painful condition to the peaceful condition. There are two kinds of euthanasia : One is defers to patient who requests euthanasia proposed under the sober condition, divides into the voluntary euthanasia and the non- voluntary euthanasia; Another way is according to the method of death, divides into the driving euthanasia and the passive euthanasia.As a result of non-voluntary passive euthanasia is same with murder crime constitution , the which the non- voluntary passive euthanasiaat faces to dispute IntenselyEuthanasia's history is so long, and many questions during the history, the development of the euthanasia faces many puzzled in ethics .There are four aspects: Firstly, the contradictory between euthanasia and the traditional life and death view .Traditional view is "life is first", but the euthanasia is "help to die". Secondly, the contradiction between euthanasia and the traditional"filial piety". The"filial piety" is the core of traditional culture, "take care of parents" is the only view for relationship , but cannot give up one's life; Thirdly, the contradiction between emotion and the rationality. When the patient will be die and he is enduring the pain, people's rationality is hoped that ended the pain, but people's emotion is unable to accept the acceleration to die. Forthly, the contradictory between religion and the science. The euthanasia is a scientific attitude of death. But the religion is on the contrary with scientific.The euthanasia has ethics-value: Firstly, the euthanasia is a new concept about life. Modern people's pursue is living happy and death has no pain, life quality is very important, and person's price is main. Secondly, the euthanasia manifests humanitarianism. The euthanasia gave painful person extricates, the way to peaceful extricates is humanitarianism. Thirdly, the euthanasia is advantageous to reduce social and personal burden.Ethics value about euthanasia needs safe guard, there are idea, ethics criterion, the legal, standard safeguard, consummate monitoring mechanism ,and so on. This first request is set up the scientific life and death view, establishes and abides the euthanasia ethics criterion, and the government formulates the strict euthanasia implementation standard, establishes the perfect monitoring mechanism ,examination and approval procedure standard and amplify people's conscience .
Keywords/Search Tags:Euthanasia, Ethics value
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