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A Study On The Group Events Of Grassroots Government

Posted on:2017-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330488971683Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, our country has been in a period of social transition, the social situation is complex. On the one hand, the rapid development of the national economy, although growing social wealth, living standards are rising, but our social system, was also a significant gap between the social system and the social and economic development, with respect to meet the economic rights of citizens democratic and political rights as fundamental rights of human dignity also appears lagging behind, when the absence of such rights or lack of affect many members of society, a wide range of social contradictions upgrade or group events often difficult to avoid, even in recent years, increasingly frequent. On the other hand, a profound change in the pattern of interests between the interests of the people also collision increases, so that the contradictions and conflicts more and more serious impact on the prosperity, harmony and social stability and development. While at the same time, the mechanism of mass incidents is a very complex feature that we had to face, which can not help but have some natural factors, technical factors and other objective factors, human intervention and is difficult to resist, but more are some of the subjective human factors such as the presence of absence of institutional policy, government administration is not in place, government officials mishandling the situation even directly evil. So that it can envision an extremely serious also highly probable consequence that the people of the government crisis of confidence, there may even lead to a crisis of legitimacy of the government. As prevention and treatment group events grassroots government forefront Front, the level of the relationship between the level of governance to mass incidents entire occurrence, processes and trends will affect its continued duration, affecting the range and degree of strength. Strengthening Local Governance Capacity Building group events in our country, not only can effectively maintain the prosperity, harmony and social stability and development, but also to enhance our grass-roots government’s emergency management ability and scientific ability to govern. Therefore, in the study of group events governance issues, the ability to build grass-roots government from focusing particularly important.Based on the above social reality, we choose to deal with and the path from the grass-roots government’s handling of mass incidents in our view, has designed the following parts: The first chapter summarizes articles related concepts and keywords related to the theoretical basis for the construction of the article; the first Chapter II analyzes the effectiveness of the current Local governance mass incidents has been made and can not be neglected; the third chapter analyzes the formation mechanism of mass events; Chapter IV of the law in the search for solutions to problems that still exist, summary sums up the corresponding path selection, the author put forward opinions and suggestions in order to improve the group events Local governance capacity building of practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Governance of local government, Group events, Disposal method
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