With the return of the sovereignty of HongKong and Macau to Chi-na, the eyes of the world are upon Taiwan again. Therefore, it is an vitalimportance for those policy makers to know the current situation of Tai-wan. This thesis is an attempt to reveal it through observing the partypolitics.This thesis is composed of three parts. In the first part, it discussesthe origin of the Taiwan's Party Politics' It exPOunds that the origin of'the Taiwan's Party Politics is the result of mutual motivation of bothdorminant and outside elements, especially the development of dorminantelements.In the second part, it defines the development of the Taiwan's PartyPolitics into 2 periods, the 1980's and 1990' s. Meanwhile, through ob-serving the background of the transition of political situation, it pointsout the two main characteristics of the Taiwan's Party Politics-partytransition and party cooperation. Moreover, it discusses the motivationbetween Taiwan's soicety and party Politics in two aspects - positive andnegative influences.In the last part, it points out that the development of the Taiwan'sParty Politics accelerated the development of Seperatism. The develop-ment of the Taiwan's Party Politics has become a stumbling block to theCross - Straits Relations, and also a great menance to the China's Unifi-cation in the future. Faced with the great challenge, the author is still fullof confidence to deal with the Taiwan Question peacefully through thedesign of "One Country Two systems". |