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Chinese Farmer Specialized Cooperative Organizations. Path Of Development Studies

Posted on:2004-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H S DiFull Text:PDF
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Great changes have taken place in the countryside of China since the reform in 1970s; however, at the same time, a series of economic and social problems have gradually been much more obvious than ever before, which was caused the low level of peasants' organizations. With the development of market economy, many new style of professional peasants' cooperative organizations are coming into being in the countryside. Those are apparently different from the traditional and cooperative ones. And those also resolve the problems which are caused by the low level of organizations by their own characteristic of the unity of efficiency and fair. Meanwhile, just like the other successful peasants' organizations, the new professional organizations have become a rise and ideal choice to protect the peasants' benefit and increase their income. It has been proved by the practice and theory that the peasants' organization can promote the increase of economy of the countryside. In this article, there exists some concrete analysis about the development of professional peasants 'cooperative organization. These analysis indicate that the development of Chinese peasants' corporation is still in its elementary stage, and there are still a lot of problems, such as, small scope, lack of restriction, no legality, lack of quintessence and different character, etc. During the course of the development of the peasants' organization, there are also some unsteady elements, such as, the members' quality, restricted environment, and etc. It is a challenge for the people to solve these problems to promote the development of the peasants' organization in a healthy and quick way. According to the foreign peasants' organizations, I think the best solution to these problems is to link the peasants' individual creation, the quality training to the necessary help of the government , that is to complete the positive mutual communication between the peasants and the government.Part one. The theoretical and practical significance of the study of peasants' cooperative organization.The development of the peasants organization has a long history of 200 years, both theory and practice have made a big progress. But in China ,the real peasants organization only has existed for 20 years, because of the slow development and lack of practical theories. According to the reason that the organization came into being, "Reasonable Choice" theory reveals the necessity of the peasants' organization'scoming into being, that is because desire and choice of peasants for living and benefit. So they would like to unite together to achieve their future aim. While the "regulation and creativeness theory" indicates that only when the benefit of cooperation is more than the cost, the peasant would like to set up the organization, "collective performance theory" tells us that only when people organizes can they strengthen their ability and protect their own benefit, "resistance theory" summarizes from the practice that only to unite can the peasants change their poor position. There are so many factors which can influence the development of the peasants' organization, the foreigner expert focus on the relationship between the peasants and the government. It is necessary f or the government to interfere the peasants' organization, but the relationship between them should be proper.The practice of foreign peasants' organization proves that the peasants' cooperative organization is the most popular organization, it is the necessary strength for the development of the country, and it is also necessary choice to improve the level of the organization, protect peasants' benefit, increase the peasants' income and promote the agriculture development. After analyzing the condition of foreign peasants' organization, I think voluntary should be the premise of the peasants' organization, to serve for the peasants is the highest principle and the positive mutual communication should be the best effective protection.Part Two The analysis of the development condition of Chines...
Keywords/Search Tags:peasants' cooperative organizations, present situation anlaysis, necessity, existing problen, restricting factor, strategies of development
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