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Empty Nest Family Support System

Posted on:2009-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WangFull Text:PDF
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Under the background of the demographic transition, the type of population reproduction form"high birthrate, low death rate and high growth"mode to"low birthrate, low death rate and low growth"model evolution, and the modernization, industrialization, and urbanization development and so on, family as a basic unit has receiving surges. The phenomenon of"the empty nest"in the city family is stern day by day, and the scale is expands unceasingly. Urban empty nest has its own characteristic, in accordance with their characteristics corresponding to the establishment of the pension system is an important theoretical value and practical significance.In refer to the relevant definition of"empty nester", not the death of their children and the children died the family to integrate row of the empty nest families, but also the newly emerging"new empty nesters"which as the main feature of younger, all included in the study vision. And ultimately the urban empty nest is definite as the family grounds elderly couples or individuals in the form of urban households. The uniqueness of urban empty nest determine its endowment also is unique, compared with urban non-empty nest families and rural empty nest families, urban empty nest family is the main source of economic support pension, which has an independent household income and expenditure structure and more high economic autonomy; life care needs, the urgent needs, as opposed to the life care is a serious lack of data, in the source channels showing a diversified pattern; of consolation side is not optimistic, first, it is difficult to emotional needs meet, and the second is due to the low degree of social participation, and participation in a single way, there are development needs defect.The urban empty nest characteristics of the family pension, than at the same time ,learn from the empty nest of Western developed countries which earlier experience the ageing of than our, learn their pension model development path and deal with pension issues experiences, a wide range of home pension system, and to activate, mobilize empty nest elderly themselves, families, communities and the government and all forces in society, the elderly empty nest for the urban to provide a three-dimensional, covering financial support, care and spiritual life, such as the pension consolation indeed. Diversified home from the formal pension system is still maintained traditional family pension pattern, but in the implications are realized from the traditional model to the modern models, from a single pension to the three-dimensional changes in the pension system, with irreplaceable advantages. This superiority is reflected not only in line with China's"old have not become rich first"empty nest conditions and adapt to the living habits of the elderly and psychological characteristics, but also in the activation of the system focus on the strength of all possible self-optimizing pension, family pension and social endowment allocation of resources, so as to achieve different ways between the endowment the non-complementary advantages for the empty nest provide them with a three-dimensional pension system.Construction of diversified home pension system, on the one hand, welfare pluralism in a single liability theory advocated by the main responsibility to the diversification of the main changes in a pluralistic structure of welfare providers to provide the theoretical support; on the other hand, are also rooted in the Some communities pension, endowment home on the basis of the practice. Construction of concrete, is that empty nest in the elderly themselves, the family, the society, the government responsibility for the four main link between, on the premise of mutual support, based on the non-activation energy of the largest pension system in principle, create their own good self-support system , the family support system, the social support system, the government support system. These subsystems together constituted a diversified system of old-age home pension, for the empty nest elderly propped up a blue!...
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Empty Nest Family, Empty Nest Elderly, Home Diversified Pension
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