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A Probe Into The Mathematical Modeling Method In The Mathematical Problem Solving In Senior High School

Posted on:2015-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330467489342Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since entering the21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of mathematics is more and more attention by people, which makes the mathematical foundation education is faced with great challenges. Traditional mathematical education only focuses on the learning of the theory and knowledge, while ignoring the students’ ability of applied mathematics knowledge to solve practical problems. Mathematical modeling as a part of the problem solving, gradually be into the middle class. the College Entrance Examination in recent years, a number of related applications with real-life problem gradually increased, these application problems through the establishment of appropriate mathematical model solution.Visible, the mathematical modeling into the high school classroom, explore mathematical modeling methods to solve the problem of high school applications is of great significance.This paper in view of the common mathematical model of high school, such as function model, inequality model, model series, the triangle model, the probability model and linear programming model are analyzed and summarized, their concrete form and related application is given. Secondly presented with mathematical modeling method by using the method of case analysis steps and the process of solving mathematics word problems.Finally get the conclusion of the article, which uses mathematical modeling method has the high school several questions of problem-solving strategies:1. To establish the method of mathematical model:relationship analysis, image analysis, quantity relation, mathematical induction, diagram analysis method.2. The technique of solving mathematical model, parameter method of undetermined coefficients, special value method parameters, etc.The innovation of the article mainly has two points:the first is the common high school mathematical model are analyzed, and the definition of them, concrete form, characteristics and application were summarized, for reference. The second point is the article through the analysis of the case is to set up model and the method of solving model are analyzed and summarized, teach everyone how to build a model of methods and techniques. The last part also how mathematical modeling method into high school classroom to put forward several proposals to the school and the teacher, hope the mathematical modeling method of problem solving ideas to provide a new perspective to solve problems for high school teachers and students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematical modeling, Methods of mathematical modeling, Mathematicalmodel, Problem-solving skills
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