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Statistical Capacity-building Study

Posted on:2004-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The view of Statistical Capacity Building initially appeared in the field of international statistical research. Basing on the introduction of statistical capacity, this paper introduces the idea of 'Statistical Capacity Building Indicators' and 'Statistical Capacity Building Indicators Questionnaire', explains the development and applications of the former, and illuminates the latter through examples of Mozambique and Bolivia. Finally, the paper combines the actual circumstance to give some means, which can promote statistical capacity of China.Here is a brief summary for each of the four chapters in this paper:The first chapter is an overview of statistical capacity building. Firstly, it introduces the definition of statistical capacity, then it depicts the background of statistical capacity building; including the establishment, founding, targets, activities and administration of PARIS21 (Partnership in statistics for development in the 21st century) and evaluation criteria of statistical capacity building. Then it introduces the international technical assistance of statistical capacity.Statistical Capacity Building Indicators are the main topic of Chapter Two. Starting with the criteria that are set by PARIS21 for statistical capacity building indicators, this part introduces two categories of indicators: quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators, and subsequently shows the development of those indicators. Finally, their application of being indicators for national management measure and international comparison motive are explained respectively.The third chapter focuses on Statistical Capacity Building Indicators Questionnaire composing quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators. It introduces the administration of Statistical Capacity Building Indicators Questionnaire, including national administration and international administration,then presents the operation guidelines and benchmarks of Questionnaire, and finally gives examples of Mozambique and Bolivia to explain the applications of Statistical Capacity Building Indicators Questionnaire.The fourth Chapter primarily studied statistical capacity building of china. From the economic reformation, China obtains a very big improvement of statistical capacity building, but still exists some problem. The paper explains the situation of statistical capacity building from input and output, and then according to bring some means to promote statistical capacity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Statistical Capacity, Statistical Capacity Building Indicators, Statistical Capacity Building Indicators Questionnaire, The circumstance of China
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