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Shanghai Weiyu High School Information Technology And Mathematics Curriculum Integration Status And Practice

Posted on:2009-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the implementation of the Second Term Curriculum Reform in Shanghai, it is pointed out in the"Curriculum Program of the ordinary primary and middle schools in Shanghai"that"Emphasis must be laid on the integration of Curriculum with information technology. Information technology should be treated as a source of information, a platform of communication, a tool of cognition and a means of administration. It should be applied to the whole process of the curriculum design, implementation, accessment and management, so that the informationization of the curriculum and the students'information processing ability will be improved.""to enhance the application of modern information technology and to encourage the integration of information technology with math teaching"is also a notion which is clearly brought up in"The Curriculum Standard of Math".Based on several years'practical exploration of the integratoin of information technology with math in Shanghai Weiyu High School, the paper is an analysis of the theory of the integration, its present situation and its effect from the math teachers'point of view. Beginning with explanation of the features of information technology and the course of math, the paper is also a summerize of the experience and problems in the practice of the recent years. At the same time, some feasible and effective suggestions are put forward, which may throw some light on the development of the integration in Weiyu High School.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iformation technology and curriculum integration, Mathematics, Multimedia software
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