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Scientific Concept Of Development As The Domain Of Economic Growth Mode Transformation

Posted on:2007-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360185983119Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study of the Economic Growth Pattern is an old subject that is studied for a long time, at the same time, it is a new problem because it hasn't been solved well in practice. At present, the Economic Growth Pattern of our country hasn't been changed ultimately, further more, it has become a bottle-neck of China's economy growth. Along with China brings forward the aim of building a well-to-do society in the all-round way, it becomes even more tensional to realize the transformation of the Economic Growth Pattern. This thesis tries hard to do an active research of the Economic Growth Pattern which not only can realize the oneness of rate and structure and the quality and the benefit but also can promote the development of the human and the nature harmoniously.This thesis opens out the necessity and the imperativeness of the Economic Growth Pattern by the actuality, necessity, possibility and difficulty of the Economic Growth Pattern. Further more, the thesis brings forward the strategic choices and material measures about how to transform the Economic Growth Pattern.The first, the thesis clears up the connotation and the development of the Economic Growth Pattern. The discussions about classical Marxian and other economists' different expressions establish the foundation of the Economic Growth Pattern's researching theory.The second, the thesis reviewed China's Scientific Development Viewpoint and the transformation of the Economic Growth Pattern historically. The thesis analyzes the dialectic relations of them in order to find the different influence between the Development Viewpoint and the Economic Growth Pattern. Thus the thesis points out that the Scientific Development Viewpoint provides new theory direction and higher require for the transformation of China's scientific development concept.The third, the thesis demonstrates the status quo of China's Economic Growth Pattern and points out the necessity, possibility and the difficulty of China's Economic Growth Pattern transportation by quoting a number of information and data. Through...
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific Development Viewpoint, the transformation of the Economic Growth Pattern
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