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ResearcResearch On Husserl's Phenomenology Of The Consciousness Of Internal Time

Posted on:2012-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330341950684Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of time is an important issue in the Husserl's phenomenology. A lotof works left in Husserl's life, and most works only are programmatic introduction.Truly be called complete works only two books,one is On the Phenomenology of theConsciousness of Internal Time,published in 1928 by Heidegger and arranged byEdith Stein from his lectures and research manuscripts.Phenomenological analysis onthe consciousness of internal time have closely relationship with seeing of an essenceand theory of intentionality. It is the clarity of seeing of an essence and theory ofintuitionality, but also embodys both of them. All of the studies in thephenomenological discussion about time found its basement of the consciousness.Andstarting from this basement in phenomenological perspective to other consciousness,we can make more thorough behavior understanding and explanation.Husserl hold the view like this the real time is constructed up throughconsciousness.As a whole and the most basic level,the consciousness of internal timecontains three basic functions: retention, protention, original impression.These threebasic function also is not independent operation, but to present a horizon structure tothe core. Among these,"memory", "reflection", "imagine" realize consciousnessfunctions, and the so-called objective time also found its real origin.Thus, from thetrue meaning of time,Husserl have a clearly explaination of the objective time and theorigin,composition,construction of the real time.Through the discussion of the consciousness of internal time, phenomenologyshows it to us is a brand-new knowledge about time origin and its construction.Cognition on this understanding of the time is the way to Augustine time research, butalso a transformation and deep research in Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" abouttime explained by a theoretical reflection in phenomenological meaning. It opened anew path for we to understand the time. Through the study of the consciousness ofinternal time, we can get a better learnning about western philosophy, and a betterunderstanding about the order of the objective time and the consciousness of internaltime, and thus reach the final purpose of lifeworld foundation for science. From Husserl's phenomenology, time is an integral part of the epistemology planning. Thepurpose of this epistemological planning is to clarify the nature of time consciousnessthrough the function of a structure and the constitution of phenomenology and makenatural science really happens from phenomenology lays on utility and time.
Keywords/Search Tags:the consciousness of internal time, objective time, subjective time, order of objective time and subjective time
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