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Study On "Marx’s Theory Of Time"

Posted on:2014-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuFull Text:PDF
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“Marx’s time”——Social time-space,is the laborers’ life time. People’scertain social relations of production is the essence of it. Study of socialtime-space is the study of the laborers’ life time. The laborers’ life time ought tobe one of the basic category of Marx’s theory of social history. Understanding theessence of it is crucial not only to the understanding Marx’s theory of time, butalso to the understanding of social time-space.“Hegel’s time” is the life course of Absolute spirit. The forms of Absolutespirit’s motion——form of thinking, is the essence of it. From Hegel to Marx,“Time” turned from the life course of Absolute spirit to the process of real life ofindividuals in reality. The essence of “Time” turned from the form of thinking tothese individuals certain social form of production.Exchange-value is the beginning of the study of capitalist Social time-space.Know it would know the general nature of capitalist society time-space: Thecapitalist social space-time is an upside-down, alienation, social time-space. Inthis social space-time, space category is dominant. Workers working day is thepure form of the whole capitalist society time-space. The study of capitalist socialtime-space is the study of workers working days. Marx’s theory of working days,not only a key for understanding the capitalist social time-space, but also a keyfor understanding the social time-space of the class society. Study of class socialtime-space is the study of class social workers working time.In primitive society, Food acquisition time is always the center of socialtime-space. In class society, the unpaid labor time is the center of socialtime-space. When workers own unpaid labor time, the center of social time-spacechange from unpaid labor time to free time. This is a change of world significanceto social time-space and not merely to laborers’ life time. The fundamental way toachieve this change is to change the relations of production——abolition ofprivate ownership.
Keywords/Search Tags:Time, Social time-space, Socially necessary labor-time, Working day, Laborers’ life time
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