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Compartive Study On Peasants' Differentiation Between Western And Eastern Regions Of China In The New Period

Posted on:2012-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330368489357Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The peasants'differentiation is an inevitable trend of Chinese social and economical development in the new period. Scientific understand of farmers differentiation is not only the needs of modernization, but also the needs of building a harmonious society, even the needs of deepening the "theory of social differentiation". Cleared the substantive issues of farmers differentiation will help us understand the national conditions of our country, develop the right policies of rural regions, and promote social progress in rural areas. In China, farmers differentiation are very different in the east and west. Only through horizontal comparison, it is userful to understand the source of such differences produced.There are five aspects in full-text:First, from the angle of industrial structure, peasants' differentiation of the eastern and that of western areas are compared, covering the relationship between industrial structure and the peasant differentiation; Second, from the angle of occupational structure, the peasant differentiation are compared, concerning the the relationship between the occupational structure and peasants' differentiation; Third, by the occupational mobility and geographical mobility, peasant differentiation in the eastern and western China are compared, covering the relationship between the occupational mobility and geographical mobility; Fourth, consequences of the peasants' differentiation are explored, and the future trends also analysesed in last part; Fifth, the discussion on the policy choices of "coordination of peasants differentiation of eastern and western areas" are made, covering both the central government and local government.This study shows that:first, the industrial structure of the eastern region tend to rationable, it will be a kind of the internal optimization and upgrading in the the future; but in the western region where is still in the adjustment of industrial structure, industry upgrade more slowly. Second, the speeds and levels of the occupational peasants differentiation in the eastern are different from its in the western. Eastern peasants differentiation has essentially completed in horizontal differentiation, forward the differentiation in the vertical differentiation; the peasants' differentiation in the western areas is slow and "extra conversion" of the regional division was evident. Third, geographical mobility and occupational mobility of peasants in the east-west regions are common, parallel to the main flow from west to east. Fourth, the common features of peasants' differentiation in the eastern and western areas and the generally holding much industries, furthermore, that differentiation of both eastern and western peasants are restricted by the overall level of social development. The consequences of peasants differentiation shows that the peasants differentiation in the east and west play a important pushing role in the economic development and industrialization, but the gap between the peasants differentiation in the east and its in the west has increased the unbalance of rural and social development in China.The trend of the peasants'differentiation in the future is that:the peasants differentiation in the eastern area will speed up the rate of vertical differentiation, yet the the peasants differentiation in the western area will speed up the rate of horizonal differentiation, the mass labor's flow from west to east will be reduced. Therefore, the paper argues that the government should reform the unreasonable system, shift non-equilibrium policy; at the same time, the policies shoule strengthen basic education in the western and improve the quality of labor, improv the transport infrastructure and develop the non-agricultural industries in the western region, but in the eastern region the government should strengthen urban construction, the expansion of employment capacity, and actively accept foreign population. The ultimate goal is to "coordinate peasants organic differentiation of eastern and western areas, reduce the gap between east and west, in order to reach the common prosperity of western peasants and eastern peasants".
Keywords/Search Tags:The New Period, Eastern and western Regions, Peasants Differentiation, Comparative Study
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