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The Legal Prevention And Control Of Mass Incidents And Resolution Mechanisms

Posted on:2012-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the frequent occurrence of group incidents has been the concern of the public. There is no doubt, group incidents bring a certain degree of impact to the social harmony and stability in term of its frequencies, unexpectedness, complex and irrationality .However, we must keep a clear and cool mind that mass incidents is a normal, and inevitable state in a transition period of intensifying contradictions of Chinese society. People are not only quite aware of the importance of solutions and prevention to the group incidents from the practical point of view and at the theoretical level, scholars in different perspectives and different research also outlined their theory of a more detailed content. Previous theoretical research is mainly from sociology, management and other disciplines trying to suggest prevention and solutions of group incidents and settlement mechanism, nevertheless, the thinking and theories approach in legal ways to the problem of groups of related incidences are rare .Therefore, in view of prevention and control of group incidences and the urgency of solving the real problems with the research status in law section, this article attempts to discuss the prevention and solution mechanisms of the group incidents in law perspective in the hope of attracting more people to draw a attention to this problem from a legal point of view.This article on the group includes included the following six parts.The general introduction of theoretical and practical problems of the group incidents combined with research status of home and aboard, clearly states the significance of this topic, with the use of literature analysis, comparative analysis and other research methods to promote discussion of this article. Chapter one apply the dialectical unity of theory and practice as guiding ideology outlined and defined practice of theoretical knowledge the group incidences so as to depict the nature and features of the group incidences. Chapter 2 will sum up the reality of serious trends and underlying causes about the group incidents in recent years, and dig into the contemporary Chinese society. Chapter 3 investigate the inadequate experiences of the establishment and settlement mechanism of prevention and solutions of group incidences of our party and the government in order to learn from those lessons, which would improve the mechanism. In chapter 4, the author systematically describes the consolidation and perfection of prevention and solutions mechanism of group incidences in law perspective as personal point of view, mainly from the idea of establishing democracy and the rule of law, improve the legal system, strengthening law enforcement capacity of justice, human rights protection mechanisms to establish and strengthen democratic oversight and create interest coordination mechanism educational instruction mechanisms in seven different angles, which, is the core of this article. Finally, as to the conclusion based on the above discussion: bring the group incidences on the framework of the rule of law , taking legal measures f prevention and solutions, is the best ways and channels to handle the group incidents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Group incidents, Social transformation, Legal Countermeasures
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