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On The Status Of Chinese Sports Administrative Body Of The Association

Posted on:2012-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With people's attention about mordern competitive sports ,people found that between sports association and member have a lot ofdisputes, most of themcannot be solved. These disputes, the root lies is we not clear whether sports association is a kind of administrative subject. At first In this articial we analysisd three hot- debate legal case :first is Changchun Yaitai club bring a suit football association;The second is Guangdong Fenglu club accuse basketball association;the third one is Wuhan Guanggu withdraw from football association.We obtain a common question, namely sports association is a kind of administrative subject or not. After an analysis of the problem, it is not hard to find that our country sports association of administrative subject status whether from system and theoretically all exist many defects.In this artical, after system studied Britain American Germany and,specially civil legal person system made in France. Learn from foreig dvancedad inistrative theory and compared with Chinese administrative system reform,link the government functions transferred,We advanced the reality of the combination of the industry industry association of public affairs management is different from the traditional administrative power of modern administrative power, industry association is a kind of modem administrative subject. So it is necessary to define the concept of administrative subject with new view. . Finally about sports association for the construction of the administrative subject status, this paper argues that we should be done about sports association for the relevant legislative construction, establish and perfect the set with the relevant administrative legal system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sports association, Administrative subject, Official legal person
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