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Pupils Civilization Etiquette Education Strategy

Posted on:2012-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330335983282Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Civilization etiquette reflects a country and a nation's moral level and spiritual features. It is also a comprehensive reflection of people's culture thoughts and moral quality. Pupils have good manners of consciousness faint and poor civilized behavior today. Therefore, strengthening the pupil's civilization etiquette education is very necessary.The etiquette education has not officially listed in compulsory education course at present. Many schools offers special etiquette course, but civilization etiquette education has still not been attracted. Etiquette education and moral education should contain each other. In pupil's moral education, ignore civilization etiquette education and only to talk about the vague reasoning in education; ignore etiquette training of operability, only to teach knowledge moral education.School energetically advocate quality education, but still exists heavy wisdom light virtuous education phenomena, this is contrary to modern education idea and educational essence. Pupil's moral education ignores the cultivation of civilization etiquette education. This will make teenagers lack of moral norms, causing students personality flaw.On the basis of sorting out literature materials and drawing on the research achievements in the past, this study spreads out exposition around the theme. This thesis consists of five parts:Firstly, the study poses problems from three aspects:etiquette education deletions, the negative effect of traditional education thoughts, and the urgency of development of civilization etiquette.Secondly, the study tries to define the basic concepts and summary the relative research of domestic and abroad. Thirdly, we analyze the problems and reasons about pupil's etiquette from three aspects:parents, schools and society.Fourthly, we discuss the theoretical basis of this study from the pedagogy, sociology and psychology of the three aspects. It provides a theoretical support for the education research strategies.Fifthly, aimed at pupil's civilization etiquette education, we propose detailed implementation strategies. This is the key point of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elementary education, family, etiquette education, school education
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