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A Research On Association Between The Status Of Marriage And Family And The Social Capital About The Women In The Village-in-city

Posted on:2012-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with china's urbanization process, the village-in-city creats and develops rapidly, and now the phenomenon has been common in our large, medium and small cities. Women in the village-in-city are different from urban and rural women in the life habits, behavior, values. how are the women in the village-in-city's marital and family status? Whether urban and rural women have different marital and family status with the women in the village-in-city? Compared with the men, whether the marriage and family status of the women in the village-in-city are truly equal? This is answer to the article. As a special group in society, how are their own social capital? Whether the women in the village-in-city, urban women and rural women'social capital, generally have the same characteristics? This is another issue discussed in this paper. The status obtained depends on many factors, such as personal education, professional experience, income,etc. This study tries to understand the women in the village-in-city's marital and family status and their social capital, then discuss the correlation between the both.In this study, marriage and family status as the dependent variable, can be divided into objective and subjective status of marriage and family status. Meanwhile, based on its own research needs, the objective marriage and family status can be operationalized into three dimensions, including autonomous status, decision-making status, dominant status. The subjective status of marriage and family can be operationalized into marital satisfaction, family status satisfaction, gender concept. This paper's independent variables include social demographic factors and social capital, which is bianyanjie's study. On this basis writer tries to operate it into the network, type the number of professional members of the network, the network structure, network density; the object of study is women of different ages in the village-in-city; survey sites were selected based on the level of economic development; datas are collected mainly by survey, supplemented by case interview; using frequency distribution, study and compare the various dimensions of family status and the social capital; taking factor analysis, extract marriage and family status and social capital's factors. using canonical correlation to explore factors that affect marriage and family status. To make a more convincing conclusion, the paper also cited an interview with the appropriate materials to supplement the conclusions.The results showed:(1) Within groups from the perspective of women, women in the village-in-city's exercise of the power is that multi-family husband and wife equal rights, marital and family status has been greatly improved. Compared with urban women, marital and family status of women in the village-in-city are not higher than them, theirs do not improve quickly than urban women, but compared with the rural women, the situation is much better. Women in the village-in-city have poor social capital ownership, it performs that they have a smaller scale for the network, their network number is not a lot of professional types, the network structure is irrational, the network density is high, the use of social capital, mostly relatives and friends, low quality. However, compared with rural women, women living in the village-in-city's social capital ownership and use of the situation get better. (2) Women's groups from the external point of view, women in the village-in-city have a disadvantaged position in society, their marriage and family status are lower than men in general. Compared with strong group, their ownership of social capital is rather poorer. (3)Through analysing association between the status of marriage and family and the social capital about the women in the village-in-city, the writer realized that the situation of individual social capital can have effect on marriage and family status largely. It performs specificly that size of network communication circle, the number of type of occupation network, reasonablity of the network structure, the size of the network density and the use of social capital affect the marriage and family status of theirs significantly. In other words, other things have not get, the more social capital the women in the village-in-city have the higher their marriage and family status are. So we can know the status of women in the village-in-city is the result of social capital within their group of differentiation and that their status of marriage and family are not higher than the men is still one of the reasons.
Keywords/Search Tags:Women living in the village-in-city, The status of marriage and family, The social capital, Factor analysis, Canonical correlation
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