Decent work was first put forward by International Labor Organization, designed to protect the workers'basic rights all over the world. To some extent, the condition of knowledge workers with high quality reflects how government values human rights on working. In addition, the industrial structure transformation is currently in the key period in China, knowledge workers'performance plays an important role on successful achievement of economic development greatly by transformation from material-capital-oriented to human-capital-oriented. Therefore, it is of great political and economic value to realize decent work of knowledge workers. At present, Shanghai is striving to become an international financial, economic and shipping center and quantity and density of knowledge workers in Shanghai is larger than any other cities in China. Consequently, it is of great significance to do research on the current situation of decent work of knowledge workers in Shanghai.This paper can be mainly divided into two parts. First, based on the connotation of decent work of knowledge workers and the analysis of existing questionnaires, the paper designed the scale of 5 dimensions with 44 items to measure decent work of knowledge workers, and investigates the present condition of decent work of knowledge workers in Shanghai. Second, the paper explored the relationship between three different kinds of organizational cultures and decent work of knowledge workers, and examined how Leadership-member Exchange as an intermediate variable impacts the relationship. The result shows that decent work of knowledge workers in Shanghai is low-level, and that the level of security on labor, income and reproductive ability is much lower than that of security on work and representative right. Furthermore, decent works of enterprises in different sizes are significantly different, but education degree, work seniority and work hierarchy etc. have no significant effect on decent work. The paper also finds that enhancement on different kinds of enterprise cultures all can promote the level of decent work of knowledge workers.Eventually, the paper summarizes with research results, existing issues and further directions for the future research, and gives some ideas on how to realize decent work for knowledge workers. |