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Decent Work In China:Problems And Solutions

Posted on:2015-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330464955686Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Decent work is a new concept proposed by the ILO in the late 20th century, aiming to motivate people to acquire the decent and productivity job opportunities on the condition of freedom, justice, security and obtained personal dignity. The concept of decent work contains the strategic objectives in four dimensions, namely, right, employment, protection and communication. The meaning of decent work reflects the common expectation of workers around theworldwhich has become the global consensus and the goal to be achieved by every countries in the world. China is not only an exponent of the concept of decent work, but also an active practitioner.In recent years, China is undergoing the difficulty period of social transformation and economical transition. The social structure has been changed significantly. It is not conducive to develop our country’s economic sustainably and has be one of the main hidden troubles to construct our socialist harmonious society that the new urban poor population in China is increasing rapidly and the situation is severer. The biggest problem of new urban poor population is the lack of decent work deficit, which is mainly manifested in the four aspects, namely, deprivation of workers’basic labor rights, lack of employment opportunities, inadequacy of social protection and inadequacy of social communication.Achieving decent work is an important way to help the new urban poor population get rid of the poverty dilemma and also the key measure maintaining the sustainable and healthy development of China’s economy and building a harmonious socialist society. The implementation of decent work needs to construct a mechanism coordinated and linked by three parties namely, a government leading responsibility, enterprises playing the main force and the trade unions playing a coordinating role. Firstly, the government should take realizing full employment of city poverty population into the development strategy and policy formulation, into a more broad economic, political and social framework thinking; promote the sustained and healthy economic development for the realization of decent work lay sufficient material to prepare; emphasis on the importance of education and training to help raise the new urban poor’s own capabilities and improve public employment services; perfect the relevant laws and regulations about labor employment, safeguard the city poverty population’s basic labor rights; establish and improve social protection systems, expand the coverage of the social security system, avoid the city’s new system for the poor were excluded and strengthen the city’s new efforts to support the poor and help them get rid of poverty, poverty; actively create a good market environment and social atmosphere to deal with the negative effects of economic globalization. Secondly, companies should dare to assume their social responsibility and play a role in helping promote the employment of the new urban poor population and protecting their employment rights. Finally, the new urban poor population should improve the their own capacity building. This capacity is the capital to realize decent work and brings trade unions into full play.
Keywords/Search Tags:Decent Work, New Urban Poor Population, Deficit of Decent Work, Routing Selection
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