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Reflection And Transcendence Of Nihilism

Posted on:2013-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371471408Subject:Foreign philosophy
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Nietzsche describes himself as anti-Platonism and takes overcoming Platonism’s nihilism as his philosophical career. With a "hammer" expounding way, he revalues the 2,000 years’traditional view in the West, in order to achieve the ultimate aim, that is to establish his philosophical myth on the ruins of metaphysics destroyed by himself.Firstly, Nietzsche has a keen insight into the existence of nihilism, which is not an epidemic worldview in a certain time, but the basic characteristics of the events in western history. Nihilism originats in Platonic dualism world division:Above the "perceptual world" consisting of individual things, there is a "real world" only rationally knowable. The latter is the foundation and meaning and value of the former, "the most fatal error" has ruled 2,000 years in the West, that is to say not only Christian heavenly kingdom but also the main myth of the modern democratic enlightenment, even the "certainty" modern philosophy pursues, all of these are nothing but the variety deformation of Platonism. Thus Nietzsche asserts that the Platonism’s history is a fundamental error history. Therefore the inner unity of Nietzche’s philosophy is embodied in his criticism and subversion of Platonism or metaphysics, and ultimate attempt to overcome the nihilistic consequences it causes.Nietzsche does not make a simple refutation and critique of Platonism, but goes back to the beginning to reveal nihilism’s origin in a noble lie:Out of self-safety and survival instinct, the masses need a fictional world with absolute truth to feel better to face and endure earthly suffering; Philosophers, in order to meet the prejudices of the masses, give up the philosophical virtue of pursuing truth, create a series of "Human ALL-to-Human" illusion and myth. In The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche confrontes with the tensility and conflict between truth and life:Life need lie and truth endanger life.In Thus Sproke Zarathustra, a affirmative book in Nietzsche philosophy, Nietzsche uses a unified whole thinking way to overcome the nihilism:Superman is the affirmation of will to power to eternal cycle. Specifically, facing the era spiritual crisis resulted from the "death of God", Nietzsche emphasizes using the "intellectually honesty" to completely smashes those old idols, makes the real return to the earth which Platonism deny, reaffirms the "innocent generation", which is Nietzsche’s Superman image--he future philosopher from the earth and to give the earth significance. The philosopher must experience three variants of the spirit:camel,lion and children. Camel means the spirit must carry the heavy traditional values, lion means be the critic and destroyer of traditional values, and children means the creator of new value.The key to overcome the nihilism is to reveal to the world the "deadly truth" Plato hidden:Life is the will to power. All "truth", value, meaning are the creation of the will to power, and life does not exist a transcendent goal and eternal significance. Only by comprehending this truth, human beings are able to get rid of the revenge of life, turn into the unlimited affirmation of life, and ultimately gain self-rescue.The reason why Nietzsche deconstruct the over 2,000 years Platonic myth, is to ultimately affirme and construct his own philosophy myth:The eternal cycle. The eternal cycle is an abyss-like thought:Life is a repeated process of the eternal creation and destruction, everything already past will return in the future, including the inferior villain. Therefore, the key to understand the eternal cycle is to accept all life on earth, including the acceptance and undertaking of the pain, and live it again, this is the hymn of love to earth. Therefore, we can make the following assertion:Nietzsche makes the eternal cycle a human legislation and the new religion of human future objectives and significance.In the end, in Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche announces the political mission of future philosophy. Nietzsche, who takes the battle of anti-Platonism the whole life, but only to achieve a Platonic mission:a king of philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Platonism, Nihilism, Super Man, the Will to Power, Eternal Cycl
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