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Study Of Originality And Graphic Course Based On Creative Thinking

Posted on:2013-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371982176Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the fast development of economy in China, the innovation is not only aslogan, but the nation’s consciousness. During the30year’s reform and opening inChina, the arts design education has achieved vigorous development. Since it wasintroduced, the originality and design course has gained fruitful results after severalgenerations’ efforts. But we find some weaknesses in the creative methods andteaching guidance in the study of practical teaching. Therefore, this paper will focuson the theoretical research and practical exploration to make students get moreinspiration and lay a solid foundation for the future design course.The graphical generation and development has experienced a long process,which is the foundation of human civilization. Modern graphic design develops in away of pluralism and interdiscipline, which brings creators and designers infiniteimaginary space, as well as the great challenge on the teaching of graphic design. Thedesign subject has its advantages among all the methods of the cultivation of creativethinking. Graphic design is the more effective way of the cultivation of creativethinking and creative ability with its originality.This paper is mainly divided into two parts, the theory study and the practice,and consists of six chapters. The first chapter outlines the overall development ofgraphics that is the precondition and the foundation of the paper. The second chaptergradually and deeply analyzes the creative thinking from the concept to the creativethinking of graphic design, including the exploration and integration of thinking in theprocess, and how to achieve the information conveyance in an accurate visuallanguage, and finally the application in modern design fields. The third and the fourthchapter are the main parts. By inducing the previous teaching plans and collectingsome outstanding teacher’s teaching plans, through contrast and analysis, theimproved plans are produced which are considered as the model to sum the teachingpractice up. The fourth chapter is to review the trends of graphic design and tooutlook its developing direction, also to give a conclusion to the researching results.Lastly, we point out that any learning method can’t put things once and for all. Thecultivation of creative thinking introduced from the originality and graphic curriculumis aimed to help a person design good works and form a keen observation and theexperience accumulation on things around. No matter whether it is based on the research of creative thinking or the graphic profound connation and its manifestation,the exploration should be integrated in the curriculum teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:originality graph, creative thinking, thinking training
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