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Analysis On The Hu Hong’s Theory Of Mind And Human Nature

Posted on:2014-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398979869Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All Schools had their metaphysical creation of at the period of revival of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty. Recognizing the link-the connection between the nature and the people, Hu Hong establish a theoretical framework based on the human nature which is different from the theory of Li of Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao as well as the theory of Qi of Zhang Zai. Because of deep study on human nature, Hu became the founder of Hu xiang Schools.The paper is divided into five parts.The first part introduces the life, works and theoretical origins of Hu Hong. His-philosophy thought provide a base to philosophy in Song and Ming dynasties. What’s more, he is the Neo-Confucianist development of Neo-connecting role, plays an important role in the camp of philosophy in this period scholars. As the representative works, Zhi Yan is a book filled with his thinking during study and teaching, which includesethics, politics, education and other ideas. Its form is similar to the Analects of Confucius’s. The source of his ideas is mainly his father’s ideas. However, he had spent a lot of time to collect academic writings of Cheng’s and Zhang Zai, in order to get enlightments.The second part said that nature is the noumenon of all things. Nature is a metaphysical Ontology of the universe. Qi is specific thing. So things and their nature never separate. Confucian scholars’explanation of the nature of good and evil in the early time just started from the point of view of human nature instead of ontology. So Hu’s ideas consisted of not only the human nature, but also the morality. In fact, ontology is hard to describe. Human nature is far more the meaning of good and evil.The third part of that discuss the mind. Confucian scholars in the past time had had point that people can not only use mind to see the world, but also to think the world. To practice it, mind is the most important. Mind is everywhere, around everyone. Destiny is never fade out.Because it doesn’t start or end. Mind is kind.The fourth part is that the relationship between the nature and mind. Mind is rooted in nature, which is a concrete manifestation for the metaphysical nature. The ultimate purpose of the mind is to reveal the original nature.The fifth part is to say Hu’s idea of mind and nature plays an important role in the book of Zhi Yan and the academic history in Song and Ming dynasties. The theory can be also used in the politics and education fields. So the theory of mind and nature is the core of Zhi Yan. Being the representative person, he never stop to advocate the confucianist spirit that is highly praised by most thinker Hu xiang Schools. Meanwhile, his philosophy thinking profoundly affect Zhu Xi, Lu Jiu Yuan and some other ideologist. As the result, he contribute to the development of School of Li.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hu Hong, mind, nature of man, nature depends on mind
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