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Privatization Of Public Utilities And Legal Thinking

Posted on:2013-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
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Since the nineteen eighties as our country politics, economy development, theprivatization of public utilities reform tide rise gradually, and become the thoroughdevelopment of the market economy is inevitable. Although the Chinese government hasissued a number of policies, measures to promote the privatization of the public utilitiesdevelopment, obtained certain result. But with the gradual deepening of the reform ofprivatization, some deep-seated problems will be exposed, such as: the privatization of thepublic utilities after the private enterprises" profit" in the public interest and nationalinterest loss; security of public utilities privatization law environment is not perfect; thelack of a comprehensive, system basis and so on. Thus, from a legal perspective analysis ofthe privatization of public utility in China ’s present situation and the existence question,learn from the successful experience, make corresponding laws and regulations, perfect thelaw system of the privatization of public utilities is imminent.In this paper, the biggest luminescent spot, is broken down in the past from publicadministration and economics perspective to explore the privatization of public utilitiesreform practices, but from a legal perspective, clarify the long-standing academic publicutilities privatization and whether can after the privatization of the public and non-profithow to solve the problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:public utilities, privatization, jurisprudence, legal system, supervision
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