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Rural Democratic Practicr Clan Culture Influece Reserch

Posted on:2012-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S D HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371995911Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Clan, from physical conformation is in China’s long history in the society a widespread for ligament with kin social organization, during the two thousand years of the feudal society, the clan organization is in the form of government in the rural grass-roots level extension, at the same time in the functional is feudal government social management basis of feudal society, become the social order to maintain the stability of the important guarantee; from ideology is also Chinese splendid history and culture is an important part of. Clan from birth to development, through the Chinese feudal history, enter latter-day later, because of political and economic conditions conditions change, the patriarchal clan culture of the social foundation of shaking, people’s clan is also greatly weakened, the clan society basically stopped, this situation continued until the eighty’s of last century, with the reform and opening up and the state of working centre of gravity to the economy construction in China, many rural patriarchal clan there has been a renaissance phenomenon, but whether the power and influence are well below historical levels. Enter after twenty-first Century, China’s rapid economic development, the national government attaches great importance to rural development, especially construction of new rural area is put forward, make "3farming problem" becomes a key issue of national development. In this context, the clan of China rural development can not be ignored, especially when the country to vigorously develop the democracy at the grassroots level, in-depth analysis of clan and clan culture on democratic practice of rural grass-roots level positive effect and negative effect is very necessary.This article is based on this background, from the historical and sociological perspective, exploring the clan in rural grass-roots social widespread historical and immediate causes, analyzes the inevitability and necessity of using statistical methods to survey the author; hometown village population, the surname distribution of specific circumstances, and combined with the actual case analysis of clan on democratic election, democratic management, democratic supervision and democratic decision making in various rural democratic management level of the positive and negative effects, through the practical analysis on the rural democratic management positive effect and adverse effect, put forward their views and suggestions, for the current Chinese rural basic level democratic construction in the clan management rationalization proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Village self-government, clan, culture of grassroots, democrac
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