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Research On The Phenomenon Of "Online Political Consultation"

Posted on:2012-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374991149Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The network is a relatively fresh thing around the whole world and “onlinepolitical consultation” is rising in China. Therefore, it has become an extremelyformidable task as to how to apply this medium to know better people’s well beingand channel people’s ideas. By doing this well can the government be able to adoptwise, democratic, scientific and highly efficient decisions so as to promote China’sdemocratic and political construction in modern times. The online interrogation onpolitical issues by netizens has played an increasingly positive role in advancing thetransformation of the governance concepts and greatly enhanced the governingefficiency. However, confronted by the current complicated network space, there arean amazing number of important problems as for the democratic development inChina such as how to lead and regulate the netizens’ online political consultation andhow to make use of people’s good ideas to achieve the sustained and healthydevelopment of “online political consultation”.At present, the study on the “online political consultation” has just shown itsbeginning in China and still exists a number of problems, such as unbalancedstructure of netizens in age, career, education background and town and country;unbalanced resources (digital gap); netizens’ irrational moods releasing and networkviolence; blunt reaction of government and so on. Through the net bridge, both thegovernment officers and the netizens can communicate with each other in aconvenient, fast, reciprocal manner so that it will complement the necessary step inChina’s democratic development. This thesis firstly presents the theoreticalfoundation about the study on the phenomenon of “online political consultation” andthen gives a detail analysis of the basic connotations of this topic. Three argumentsare put forth in the following contents. After that, through a tremendous number ofillustrations and data listing, the extension, depth and efficiency of this phenomenonare introduced in a clear way and have given a profound description about thephenomenon in China. The whole thesis has given an in-depth analysis on theproblems and their reasons by surrounding three basic elements such as the netizens,the government and the network itself. Based on the above research findings, apreliminary probe on the governing methods of the topic is given in the subsequentcontent. I believe that to maintain a healthy development of the netizens’ online political consultation, we need to speed up the transformation of the scientificconcepts between netizens and the government, to gradually perfect the safeguardingmeasures by law and to protect a sound environment for the netizens through theimprovement and upgrading of the net technologies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online political consultation, Evaluation standard, Double-edgedsword
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