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Try To Talk About The European Neighbourhood Policy Of Normative Diplomacy And Its Influencing Factors

Posted on:2013-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395950831Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid expansion of the European Union after the end of the Cold War has brought some hope to EU that suffered diplomatic setbacks in the1990s. The concept of Normative Power Europe is based on the fact that European Union (EC) initially spread its norms which ultimately led to a successful expansion. Unlike the traditional foreign policy, the EU’s foreign policy is on the basis of its powerful ideas and concepts. EU’s normative foreign policy is reflected best in the relationship with its neighboring countries. European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) is a kind of normative foreign policy when measured with the standards of goals, means and results.To summarize, this article mainly discusses whether ENP is normative, and the factors affecting EU’s normative foreign policy. There are two perspectives in this article:1.From the EU perspective, first of all, it analyzes the background, the mechanism of ENP and its normative goals, means and results, secondly, it analyzes the factors influencing the normative goals and means of ENP:(1) the relations between powers and norms, and between interests and norms:power plays an important role in the diffusion of norms; interests and norms are in a process of constant adjustment and adaptation; the contradiction between interests and norms weakens the normative goals of ENP;(2) the constant changes of EU’s self-awareness and its awareness of the outside world affect the ways to realize the normative goals of ENP.2. From its neighbourhood perspective, the factors that affect the results of EU’s normative foreign policy or that make the neighbourhood to accept EU’s norms are:(1). the estimation of benefits and costs (2).the interests of those in power. Taking Ukraine for example to explore EU’s normative foreign policy, its results and factors that influence those in power to accept it, that is, the reasons that Ukraine began to shift its attitude towards EU’s norms since Yanukovich came to power under the framework of European Neighborhood Policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:European Union, European Neighbourhood Policy, normativeforeign policy, Ukraine
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