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Influence Of Chengdu Ordinary University Tennis Option Class Teaching Quality Factor Analysis

Posted on:2013-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X BianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377951525Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The promulgated by the Ministry of Education in2002,"University and College Physical Teaching Guidelines in the country caused a wave of change of the relevant sports. In this change of the physical education teaching, tennis has become the new darling of this backdrop, the College Tennis Lessons in the teaching mode is very necessary.On this issue can be driven to some extent, the reform of the tennis sports teaching, and can build a reasonable new tennis teaching mode. How to change the status quo has always existed in the physical education teaching just go to become a physical education reform, problems to be solved. Creation of physical education curriculum is not for the achievements, but to develop students’ lifelong awareness, as the saying goes good, the body is the capital of learning, a fundamental correction of students’ physical consciousness is the ultimate goal of physical education teaching. Tennis representative of the fashion movement in today’s era, the sport can be relatively easy to attract students’ attention, so that more students have an interest, but also more appropriate for the campus culture and style of tennis teaching reform and important will definitely be significantly more important. In this paper, the authors attempt to Sichuan college tennis classroom teaching situation and tennis classroom teaching as a starting point, the main use of literature, survey research and analysis of comparative law, the impact of Sichuan Province, College Tennis election teaching quality factors were analyzed, summarized the conclusions reached by the full-text research:1Chengdu college tennis elective course students higher interest in tennis, but tennis lessons lesson less relatively more teachers to teach the contents of that class action in a short period of time to master the technology, so the majority of students learning situation is not very satisfactory.2Chengdu college tennis selective class of special tennis teachers less, tennis number of elective course, a direct impact on the carrying out of the classroom teaching. Option class teachers, in part, also other special into tennis teaching, most did not attend to continue learning, to a large extent restricts the improvement of the quality of tennis classroom teaching.3Chengdu college tennis lessons in the choice of teaching content is not reasonable enough, most of the school tennis lessons for14-18weeks,14weeks to get rid of exam leave real class, but teaching too much, tennis action and relatively easy to master, thus affecting the students to continue their desire to learn.4Chengdu college tennis elective course teacher preparation is not ideal, most of the teachers before class and the contents of the class fully prepared to positive after school and students, the students learn the contentunder standing to grasp the situation is not very comprehensive.5Chengdu College Tennis Selected Course, mainly to explain the Model Law should be more students like the game law. Cooperative learning method, the goal of teaching and learning guide teaching and other multimedia, and other modern teaching tools make full use of tennis teaching, improve Tennis classroom teaching effect.6Chengdu College Tennis Selected Course Due to space, short hours and the number of learning a direct impact on the timeliness and accuracy of tennis teachers from the classroom feedback, students are not from the teachers to obtaintimely evaluation and coaching of their own action.
Keywords/Search Tags:Colleges and Universities, Tennis Elective Course, qualityof teaching, Affect of factors
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