Along with the unceasing development of national economy, college students have become indispensable and valuable human resources in our society. However, due to the popularization of higher education and the recent global crisis, the market shoes situation of oversupply constantly. A number of graduate students are facing the severe situation of unemployment. The Chinese government has made a series of policies to promote the employment of graduate students based on actual condition with the hope of getting rid of such difficult problem.Along with the appliance of the policies, the employment problems get into remission, while, some issues show up at the same time, which requires the introduction of policy evaluation to help detect these issues timely. As everyone knows, policy evaluation is a very important tache in the process of policy operation. It is the main way to examine policy value, effect, benefit and efficiency. Effective policy evaluation can improve the policy level, overcome the malpractice in the process of policy implementation, and indentify the direction of policy. Through policy evaluation, it can be learned that which policy obtains real effects, and which does not play a role.If one policy runs smoothly, and its effects are apparent, then it can continue; conversely, if the effects are not obvious, policymakers should adjust the policy according to the actual situation until terminating the policy. It can be seen that policy evaluation plays a very important role in the whole process of policy operation. From the perspective of evaluating policies that promote employment of graduate students, this thesis analyzes and evaluates the current issues with the adoption of questionnaire method, moreover, it brings forward suggestions to improve policies such that they can perform better.The thesis is mainly divided into seven parts:Chapter One is introduction part, introduce the research status through comparative analysis of domestic and foreign policies to promote employment of graduate students; Chapter Two is about the theory of employment policy, theoretical basis and concepts are mainly introduced; Chapter Three is about main policies to promote employment of graduate students; the existing policies are mainly introduced; Chapter Four is about the analysis on the policy effects mainly based on the questionnaire survey; Chapter Five is about the existing issues of the policies, conclusions are made based on the analysis of questionnaire survey as well as the situation; Chapter Six is about enlightenment from the employment policies in other typical countries, such as UK, Germany and Japan; finally, Chapter Seven provides improvement scheme and suggestions to the employment policy. |