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Under The Theory Of Modern View Of Teachers' Happiness

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398958160Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The importance of education for a country is self-evident. Thedevelopment of a country lies in education; the development of educationdepends on teachers. The happiness of teachers has something to do withlearning of students, teaching quality and the success of education reform.As education has attached great importance in recent years, as the mainbody of education, teachers have also attracted great attention, from theprofessional development of teachers to their classroom teaching, therelationship between teachers and students, from the school managementof teachers to the construction of teacher groups, from their professionalideal to their career development, all have become the studying topics ofresearchers. But today, there is a lot of negative news about teachers.Their work is known as "the most glorious career under the sun", but nowthey have to face torture from all sectors of society and their happiness issuffering a crisis. As one of the main subjects of education, the role ofteachers’ can not be replaced. Focusing on the question of happiness ofteachers, reflecting on where their happiness will go in is of greatsignificance, so the author decided to use it as the research direction ofthe paper.As teachers are social workers, it is necessary to analyze thehappiness of teachers related to society with the dialectical view of history. Modernity is both a historical period and a kind of thought andway of life, a kind of value. The basic characteristic of modernity isrationality, rationality has promoted the development of science andtechnology, accelerated the pace of modern society, and at the same time,the rationality of science and technology development to a certain extenthas squeezed the space of the development of value rationality. It can’t beignored that the rational spirit of teachers can lead their professionaleducation. So we should reflect what kind of rational spirit teachers need,because the spirit is essential to the happiness of teachers. In addition, themorality, freedom, groups of teachers and certain material conditions areclosely related to the happiness of teachers. The influence of thesecontents on their happiness will also be studied in the paper. Previousstudies mostly studied teachers’ happiness from the perspective of theprofessional development of teachers; this article mainly embarks fromthe intrinsic rationality of teachers to analyze the happiness of teachersunder modernity, which is the innovation of this article. This paper mainlyadopts documentation method. Learning from previous researches, thepaper will analyze the connotation of the happiness of teachers undermodernity, the problems in their happiness, the reasons and put forwardthe suggestions.The thesis consists of five chapters: The first chapter mainlyanalyzes the connotation of modernity and the understanding of happiness under modern conditions. The second chapter studies theirhappiness problems of modernity and the negative influence theseproblems bring about. The third chapter mainly analyzes the causes oftheir happiness problems of modernity on the basis of the second chapter.The fourth chapter draws support from kinds of happiness viewpoints,including classical, post-modernism view of happiness to look forinspiration to solve the problems of the happiness of teachers. The fifthchapter tries to solve the problem of the happiness of teacherstheoretically based on the fourth chapter.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modernity, Rationality, Happiness, Teachers’ Happiness
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